Delivering structured project solutions with a flexible methodology So You Want to Be a PMP Delivering structured project solutions with a flexible methodology
Presentation Outline PMI Certification Program Overview Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) Project Management Professional (PMP) Requirements Examinations Certificate of Additional Qualifications Continuing Certification Requirements Preparing for the PMP Conclusions
PMI Certification Program Directed by the PMI Certification Board Centre (CBC) Responsible for all decision-making regarding certification related matters Consist of volunteers 4 PMPs (3 elected, 1 appointed by Board) 1 non PMP public representative (Appointed) PMI Certification Department Administers the Certification Program with guidance from the CBC
PMI Certification Program Consists of: Basic Knowledge Assessment Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) Project Management Professional (PMP) Certificates of Additional Qualifications (CAQ) Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) All information is available at
Potential Benefits of a PMP Becoming more of a requirement for hiring and promotion as PM Some organizations are paying PMPs more Recognition in the industry More rights in PMI – certain elections
Basic Knowledge Assessment Measures basic but essential project management knowledge Has no requirements to take Costs US$35
Certified Associate in Project Management New, Released April 2002 For persons working in project management who do not yet have enough experience hours for the PMP
CAPM Requirements Requirements W/ Degree W/O Degree W/ High School PM Education 23 contact hours Verifiable Experience 1500 hours in the last 3 years 2500 hours in the last 3 years Minimum Length of Experience 24 months non overlapping Pass Examination Yes Sign Code of Conduct
Project Management Professional (PMP) Becoming more and more required for managers of large projects Becoming more and more required in organizations focusing on project management as a core discipline Project management is moving towards professional status and the PMP is at the leading edge of this effort
PMP Eligibility Requirements W/ Degree W/O Degree W/ High School PM Education 35 Contact Hours 35 Contact hours Verifiable Experience 4500 hours within 6 years 7500 hours within 8 years Minimum Length of Experience 36 non overlapping months 60 non overlapping months Pass Examination Yes Sign Code of Conduct
PM Education Minimum 35 contact hours of specific instruction that addresses learning objectives in project management Can be courses, workshops and training sessions from university/college programs, training or consulting companies, PMI organizations, from PMI R.E.P. providers, your employer, or distance learning organizations.
Required Verification Documentation Application must have attached a separate “Experience Verification Form” for each project worked on. Form for each project must indicate the number of hours worked in each process area Initiating Planning Executing Controlling Closing
Examination Application Requirements Address information Phone number and other contact information Payment information Education information Totaled experience hours and months from the “Experience Verification Forms” Other demographical information Can be submitted by mail or on-line at
Examination Application Applications will be processed in 10 to 14 business days and an eligibility letter sent within 3 to 5 business days Once the eligibility letter is received, the candidate contacts the examination contractor to schedule the examination A percentage of PMP Applications are audited by the PMI Certification Department
Examinations CAPM PMP # Questions based primarily on the PMBOK 150 200 Exam Time 3 hours 4 hours Cost PMI Members $225 Non Members $300 How Conducted Electronically w/ immediate results
Certificate of Added Qualification (CAQ) Industry or function specific qualifications 3 current & 3 under development CAQs Automotive Product Development Information Technology-Systems Project Management Office Capital Projects (4th Qtr, 2002) IT Networking (4th Qtr, 2002) Pharmaceuticals (4th Qtr, 2002)
Certificate of Added Qualification (CAQ) Requirements 1500 industry specific experience hours Minimum 24 months within 4 years Exam 75 paper based questions $100 fee
Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) PMPs must achieve 60 PDUs within a Certification Cycle (3 years) A PDU is a unit to measure learning achievement = 1 hour of classroom time Can be earned at conferences in learning sessions Can be earned in certain PMI volunteer activities Reported on a PMP Professional Development Activities Reporting Form Keep documentation – subject to audit
Preparing for the PMP PMI provides the following resources at Packages of recommended books for purchase Sample questions and answers Information of the examination structure Memorize the PMBOK Local PMI chapters usually sponsor classes and study groups
Preparing for the PMP Commercial Resources Courses Practice tests Numerous sources available See PMnetwork Bates does not directly offer PMP training We use and recommend Procept Associates of Toronto when asked Bates courses count towards the 35 hours of educational requirement
Conclusions A worthwhile effort Depending on your current field or employer it may either be or will be a requirement of employment Has definite recognition across industries We recommend it for persons who are going to stay in PM field
Bates Project Management, Inc. Thank You Bill Bates Bates Project Management, Inc. (O) 613-567-2060 X 224 (C) 613-762-5173