Business Ownership Project Thursday, January 11 – Friday, January 19, 2018
Directions Business Ownership Project (team project: 2 students per team) 1. Each team will develop a PowerPoint Presentation that details the following criteria for two types of business ownerships. 2. Students will use each section to create a presentation for each type of ownership. Each section will have the name of the ownership, a picture of that type of business, (can be hand drawn) a definition of the ownership type, the advantages and disadvantages and examples of that ownership type in their community. 3. Students will present their PowerPoint files to the class. This project will be evaluated with a rubric.
Due date This is assignment is worth a quiz grade, and is due on the following dates: January 16, 2018 (5th Period) January 17, 2018 (6th Period) January 19, 2018 (4th period) Please email all presentations to