Course Planning Grade 10 11
2018 Graduation Program Requirements Students must complete (min) 80 credits total between grades 10-12 – with a minimum of 16 credits at the Grade 12 level 52 credits from required courses (Required) 28 credits from electives (Electives) Additional Requirements – Capstone Project+30 hours volunteer and/or work experience + 80 hours of physical fitness
Elective Credits Required Credits 52 Credits Overall Total 80 Credits Students must earn at least 28 elective credits from Grade 10-12 courses. Additional Grade 10-12 credits** Minimum Credits 28 Credits Required Credits Includes the Capstone Project, Numeracy & Literacy Assessment 52 Credits Overall Total 80 Credits * Of the 80 credits for graduation, at least 16 must be at the Grade 12 level, including a Grade 12 Language Arts course. Others may be required courses or elective credits.
Required Courses Total Subject Area Minimum Credits 52 credits 8 Career Life Education (gr.10) & CL Connections (12) 8 a Language Arts 10* (Comp. 10 & Elective) 4 a Language Arts 11* a Language Arts 12* 4 a Mathematics 10* a Mathematics 11 or 12* a Fine Arts and/or Applied Skills, Technologies 10,11,or 12 Social Studies 10 4 a Social Studies 11 or 12* a Science 10 a Science 11 or 12* Physical Education 10 4 Total 52 credits
Must also complete 2 Graduation Assessments Numeracy Assessment (January 2019) Literacy Assessment (The Literacy Assessment will take place in January 2020).
MATH-Overview of Pathways K to 9 Common Grade 10 course (Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus, Grade 10 Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics Grade 10 Workplace Mathematics Foundations of Mathematics Pre-Calculus Enriched by Teacher Recommendation Grade 11 We do not offer Workplace Math 12 at Churchill (Won’t get access to University with this stream, but can get into Langara.. Will eventually need to upgrade. Foundations of Mathematics Studying Arts/Humanities Pre-Calculus Keeps the most doors open (for studying Sciences/Com.Sci/Eng) Grade 12 Entry into the majority of trades and for direct entry into the work force. Post-secondary studies in programs that do not require the study of theoretical calculus Calculus 12 Required or Recommended
Grade 10 (2 courses) Grade 11 (3 courses) Grade 12 Mathematics Curriculum Grade 10 (2 courses) Workplace Mathematics 10 (Apprenticeship & Workplace Math) Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10 or Enriched Grade 11 (3 courses) Workplace Mathematics 11 Foundations of Mathematics 11 Pre-Calculus 11 or Enriched Grade 12 Foundations of Mathematics 12 Pre Calculus 12 Calculus 12
Do you have your heart set on IB Math HL? If you are planning to do Math HL – you must have already completed Pre-Calculus 11 – Pre-Calculus 11 Enriched is preferred You should also write all of the Math Contests offered at Churchill You do not need to be a year ahead if you are planning to do Math SL or Math Studies
Curriculum Changes (Course Booklet available on Churchill Website) New Course Offerings for Grade 11 & 12 Dance Company 11, 12 (off timetable) Coaching 11/12 BC First Peoples 12 Course Name Changes Socials 11 Explorations (Social Studies 11) 20th Century World History 12 (History 12) Comparative Cultures 12 (Comp Civilzations 12) Human and Physical Geography 12 (Geography 12) Law Studies 12 (Law 12) Life Sciences 11 (Biology 11) Anatomy and Physiology (Biology 12)
Regular Stream English 11 Math 11 (Workplace or Foundations or Pre-Calculus) Social Studies *11 or 12 (Social Studies Explorations 11 highly recommended) Science *11 or 12 (Chem, Physics, Biology or Science and Technology 11) *Language 11 or Elective (2nd Language not required for graduation but is for BC universities) Elective
French Immersion English 11 Math 11 Sciences Humaines 11 Science *11 or 12 ( Taught in English) FRAL 11 Elective
Learning Strategies 11 Referred to as Skills blocks Offered to students who are having some learning challenges and who may need some extra support Enrollment is based on teacher recommendations 4 credits
New Curriculum Re-designed around 3 core competencies along with literacy + numeracy foundations Communication, Thinking, Personal and Social Proficiency Focus on literacy and numeracy, hands-on experiences, based in real life situations through personalized learning More information:
External Credits There are many ways to get external credits – Bring in copies of your certificates or documentation Examples: Royal Conservatory of Music – grades 6, 7 and/or 8 Delf Language Exams Young Drivers of Canada Provincial or National athlete Cadets, Scouts, Girl Guides Canadian Red Cross, First Aid Instructor etc.
University Information UBC – Big Changes Looking at breadth, depth and relevance of courses Overall average based on all grade 11 & 12 Courses, except, PE & Community Service. Will disregard lowest grade at each grade level Min 70% in English 11 or 12 Meets program specific course requirements Personal Profile
Holistic Admissions: Overview Assessment Content Measurement Overall academic ability nearly all academic Gr11/12 courses1 Overall Average; qualified by depth, breadth, and relevancy Program-specific aptitude related Grade 11 or Grade 12 course1 Core Average; qualified by depth, breadth, and relevancy Key courses Gr 12 pre-reqs Course-specific minima Personal profile short answer questions; activity list PP score Breadth, Depth, Relevance Note 1: All Grade 11 and 12 courses are viable, excluding applied design, skills and technology; physical & health education; career and personal planning.
Principles of Practice Wherever possible, UBC should be holistic in its approach to the academic assessment of an applicant. Wherever possible, UBC’s admission decision should go beyond school-based assessments of performance (i.e. grades) and also consider the composition of the student’s academic record, recognizing breadth, depth, relevancy, and/or individual context of presented coursework. Wherever possible, the academic assessment should discretely assess a student’s overall academic potential and potential for study in a particular UBC program. Wherever possible, UBC’s admission policies should promote positive learning outcomes in secondary school (such as encouraging students to challenge themselves, pursue their intellectual curiosities, and take risks). This involves evaluating as many courses as possible within the student’s penultimate and ultimate year of secondary school study. as opposed to fostering an environment where strategic decision-making for university admission works against positive learning outcomes.
University Info Continued SFU – Changes for 2020 Graduates Consideration of all approved courses in grades 11 & 12 (more holistic approach) SS11 required grade 11 course Math 11 min 60% English 12 min 70% Min of 5 approved grade 12 courses (allowances for those taking 6 or more)
Helpful Websites For information on the Graduation Program For information on the earning credits through external credentials or google BC Ministry of Education and search for 2018 Graduation Program For information on the New Curriculum BC Education Planner – very helpful in providing links to post secondary institutions
Churchill Contacts April Salter, Grade Counsellor – Sonia Blair, Grade Administrator – Churchill Website: