Investing in Insurance Awareness, Training and Education By Ben Kajwang', PhD, MBA, B. Comm. (Hons), FCII, FIIU, FIIK, AIRM, Chartered Insurer and Risk Mngt Consultant, Certified Pensions Trustee Consultant Director/CEO, College of Insurance , Kenya 23rd November 2017,Leisure Lodge, Kwale County
Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Talent Management Importance of Education and Skills Development 3. The College of Insurance 4.
Quote’s “Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.” ~Anonymous
Introduction Education Skill Human Capital The act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession. Skill The ability to do something well; expertise Human Capital The stock of knowledge, habits, social and personality attributes, embodied in the ability to perform labor to produce economic value
What is Talent? According to McKinsey; talent is the sum total of a person’s :- Abilities, Intrinsic gifts, Skills, knowledge, experience , Intelligence, Judgment, attitude, character, drive, Ability to learn and grow.
Talent Management - Integration Management Elements of Talent Management Talent Planning Recruiting Performance Management Learning & Development Career Planning Compensation Management Succession Measure and Report Plan Evaluate Develop Advance Lead Analyze Talent Profiles and Objectives
Traditional Talent Management Building Sustainable Leadership & Futuristic Talent Management Strategy Traditional Talent Management Acquire Develop Deploy Retain Futuristic Talent Management Focus: Managing Best People Acquire Develop CONNECT Deploy Retain Capability Alignment Commitment Enhanced Performance Focus: Managing Best Positions
Shortage of Skilled Professionals in the Industry 2014 EAC KPMG Report on assessment of the insurance industry The following were identified as key training gaps: Underwriting, claims management and financial management Customer relationship management Administration and supervisory Analytical, reporting and presentation skills Professional qualifications in life and micro insurance Professional qualification in advanced IT studies Leadership and public relations Legal aspects of insurance administration e.g. labour laws Insurance products training Acute shortage of actuaries
The COI Training Process
The Importance of Education and Skills Development
At COI, Education and Skills Development is anchored on the following pillars 1. Broad availability of quality education as a foundation for future training. 2. Building solid bridges between the insurance industry and the College in order to match skills provision to the needs of various insurance companies. 3. Continuous short term courses (CPD) to enable employees and companies adjust to an increasingly rapid pace of change. 4. Anticipating and building competencies for future needs. 5. Sustaining robust training policies and systems. 6. Sharing knowledge and experience 7. Investing in work force skills; a widely share objective.
8. Continuous and seamless pathways of learning 9. Development of core skills 10. Development of higher level skills, professional, technical and human resource skills. 11. Portability of skills 12. Employability
The Role of the Leadership in Education and Skills Development Support (Company & Personal involvement) Ownership (Sense of belonging) Embracing the culture of human capacity development. Allowing staff identified as facilitators to participate in training. Nominating your staff to be trained from time to time. Attending to the AGMs and crucial meetings of the Colleges/ Institutes as may be called upon from time to time. Helping in marketing the Colleges/institute and participating in the PR programs
Artistic impression of the Leadership Centre
Conclusion We believe at COI, we have developed skills through trainings that have and continues to impact the actions and activities of a number of people have taken decisions that have benefit the greatest number of the greatest people to the greatest extent. By Dr. Ben Kajwang', PhD, MBA, B. Comm. (Hons), FCII, FIIU, FIIK, AIRM, Chartered Insurer and Risk Mngt Consultant, Certified Pensions Trustee Consultant
Thank you END By Dr. Ben Kajwang', PhD, MBA, B. Comm. (Hons), FCII, FIIU, FIIK, AIRM, Chartered Insurer and Risk Mngt Consultant, Certified Pensions Trustee Consultant