The Mediation Process
Getting Started Introduce yourselves. Ask if they agree to mediation – move to another area.
3. Get agreement to 4 rules for mediation. no interrupting no name calling or put downs be as honest as you can try and solve the problem
Defining the Problem (This step may need repeating) 4. Decide who will talk first. 5. Ask person ① what happened. 6. Ask person ① how s/he feels and why.
7. Restate in summary. Person ①’s content and feeling.
The Other Side of the Problem 8. Ask person ② what happened. 9. Ask person ② how s/he feels and why. 10. Restate in summary person ②’s content and feelings.
Finding Solutions 11. Ask person ① to suggest solutions. 12. Ask person ② to comment on person ①’s solutions and to add improvements and other suggestions.
Reaching an Agreement 13. Work with the suggestions until they develop one they are both happy with. There may be more than one problem. Make sure all problems are solved.
Ending the Process 14. Ask each person what they will do differently in the future if the problem reoccurs. 15. Check back formally or informally that all is well.