Stable Isotopes in Biosphere-Atmosphere-Earth Exchange - SIBAE


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Presentation transcript:

Stable Isotopes in Biosphere-Atmosphere-Earth Exchange - SIBAE Start date: 25/05/2009 End date: 24/05/2013 Year: 1 Pascal Boeckx MC member Ghent University / Belgium

Scientific context and objectives (1/3) Background / Problem statement Predicting impacts of global change on the Earth system requires detailed understanding of interactions between biota and biogeochemical processes in different environments and management regimes Stable isotopes are a powerful tool for studying such interactions in natural and managed ecosystems, offering insights beyond classical methodologies General objective: using stable isotopes in C, N, O and water cycles as a research tool in Biosphere-Atmosphere-Earth research across scales and disciplines

Scientific context and objectives (2/3) Brief reminder of MoU objectives: Synthesize existing isolated stable isotope experiments on carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and water cycles to identify innovative process- and system-oriented research areas Assess current state-of-the-art models to improve process representation and to better link experimental and modeling communities Benchmark and advance innovative cutting-edge technologies for stable isotope analysis to stimulate interdisciplinary research Train early-stage researchers from diverse disciplines

Scientific context and objectives (3/3) A multidisciplinary approach (geology, hydrology, soil science, microbiology, plant sciences, ecosystem science, biogeochemistry, ecosystem modeling) to integrate research efforts Via specialized workshops, conferences, training schools, exchange visits, questionnaires, involvement of manufacturers, web site To deliver position/review papers, publications, protocols/guidelines, teaching material, improved (soil) models, meta database, … Allowing interactions beyond SIBAE

Four Working Groups Review and synthesis of existing isolated experiments using stable isotopes as quantitative tool to understand, trace and partition C, N, O and water cycles within Biosphere-Atmosphere-Earth and identify innovative process- and system-oriented research areas Assess current state of the art models to improve process presentation, particularly of the soil component, based on stable isotope studies and to better link experimental and modeling communities Harmonizing and benchmarking the development of cutting edge technologies for stable isotope analyses Training and capacity building in stable isotope applications across Europe

Results (year 1) vs. Objectives – WG 1 Meta database of stable isotope experiments; provide access to data (modelers, related research communities,…) Review publications Guidelines and recommendations for future research experiments WG is set-up, working plans agreed and STSMs set-up Isotope user directory exists Cross-cutting workshop in Ascona in March 2010 Publication in highly-ranked journal (New Phytologist) New Webpage „IsoNumbers“ up and running (will be supported with STSM later this yr)

Results (year 1) vs. Objectives – WG 2 Review publication of current state of the art models and critical assessment of performance Define framework for a new generation of process based soil models Recommendations for critical experiments to advance the capabilities of soil models to simulate appropriate soil processes WG is set-up and working plans agreed and STSMs set-up Two workshops: Innsbruck in Sept. 2009 and Nancy in March 2010 Recommendations for new labelling experiments are available on-line (free access) Two joint review manuscripts planned

Results (year 1) vs. Objectives – WG 3 Guidelines for best practice calibration routines and data quality assurance Meta-database of existing facilities/experiments making this information available for the modeling community WG is set-up and working plans agreed and STSMs set-up Questionnaire on relevant equipment has been sent out First example of continuous N2O isotopomer measurements has been reported. New methodology can be used under controlled conditions, but is also field-deployable for environmental studies (Emmenegger, CH)

Results (year 1) vs. Objectives – WG 4 Website including database from WG1, 2 and 3, teaching material, and links to research groups in Europe Network of students and early stage scientists trained in the application of stable isotopes in biosphere-atmosphere-Earth system research Recommendation of improved laboratory expertise by expert training for lab technicians Questionnaire technical expertise and teaching material has been send out; data are being processed No training school announced due to financial constraints, financed STSMs instead. Plan for the future: join on-going training activities

Significant highlights (1/2) Outcome and achievements Cross cutting workshop (WG 1, 2, 3) jointly with sister program BASIN (USA): position papers planned, one published Questionnaires for a common, public meta-database WG3: available compound specific IRMS and laser spectroscopy stable isotope analyses; WG4: Technical/scientific staff in stable isotope laboratories and sharing teaching material,… Application (Tiirola, FI) to the NordForsk fund to establish a Nordic network for Stable Isotope Research (NordSIR) submitted in March 2010 Detailed plans and first outlines for MC Initial Training network, ESF research network and EUROCORES call

Significant highlights (2/2) Impact, outreach and EU added value Since the Kick-off in May 2009, three new countries have joined the Action (Austria, Serbia, Slovak Republic) and two nations intend to become members (Greece, Croatia), one nation is working on it (Norway). Website is up and running since the very beginning (2009), with freely accessible, valuable information for all interested „isotopists“, e.g., best practise recommendations Joint 13C labelling experiments (Switzerland, Germany and Austria) Several new proposals (national, EU) have been submitted

Coordination, management and internal functioning Coordination and management is based on different means: email, internet (web page with intra-net), MC, WG and cross-cutting meetings. A core group (Chair, WG leaders) decides on STSMs, 4 deadlines per yr. The grantholder system creates more work for the Chair, but offers better flexibility. New: MC approved cost-neutral budget shifts among different meetings within the category “Meetings”, so chair/grantholder is more flexible allocating money for later meetings. In addition: If money is left in “Meetings” category and will not be used in current financial yr, this money can be shifted to STSMs. Encouragement of younger scientists: Within the MC, 17% are early stage scientists 11 Applications of early stage researchers for STSMs (6 were granted)

Action Parties Grant Holder: Prof. Nina Buchmann GH Institution: ETH Zurich GH Representative: Prof. Nina Buchmann GH Country: Switzerland Application of The University of Western Australia pending (submitted Jan. 2010)

Action participants

Geographical impact COST Countries: 21 Chair : Switzerland Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovak Republik Spain, Sweden, UK Non-COST institutions: Australia, New Zealand (pending)

Use of COST instruments YR 1 YR 2 YR 3 YR 4 No. of MC / WG meetings MC = 3 / WG = 3 No. of STSMs 6 No. of workshops / conferences 1 (joint SIBAE/BASIN) No. of joint publications 10 No. of training schools 0 (financial Constraints) GASG (activities) Poster, website

Strengths and weaknesses Setting up the Action went very fast Earlier contacts among participants increased output speed First joint publications are already out Proposal for a Nordic network for stable isotope scientists Initial problems on financial processing (CH vs. EU) have been solved Thus, no key difficulties were encountered in the first year. June 2010 (2nd yr): link to companies producing laser systems (joint workshop close to Zurich, CH)

Challenges Any problems: Lost STSM application after ecost software change STSMs with starting date in current financial yr and ending date in next financial yr do not show in ecost (current financial yr). This makes planning and approval of application difficult/impossible.  Suggestion: Show all STSM applications as they are submitted There seems to be no notification emails any longer when STSM application are submitted. True? Why? Any support from the DC? Support fine when needed Any significant deviations from the work plan last year (e.g. new research directions)? no What are critical phases to be implemented or topics to be addressed next year? No critical phases anticipated