Liu et al. A stable isotope doping method to test the range of applicability of detailed balance Figure 2 Comparison of the equilibrium dissolution and precipitation rates determined using 29Si isotope doping (Type 1 Experiment) with the far from equilibrium dissolution rate (Type 2 Experiment). The vertical arrow points to the average value for each set of experiments and the horizontal arrows indicate two standard deviations of the data. Figure 2 Comparison of the equilibrium dissolution and precipitation rates determined using 29Si isotope doping (Type 1 Experiment) with the far from equilibrium dissolution rate (Type 2 Experiment). The vertical arrow points to the average value for each set of experiments and the horizontal arrows indicate two standard deviations of the data. Liu et al. (2016) Geochem. Persp. Let. 2, 78-86 | doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.1608 © 2016 European Association of Geochemistry