Snow Hill Middle School Eagle Expectations Snow Hill Middle School PBIS
A student said, “It gives kids incentive to do their best – have something to look forward to. Sometimes you get off track and teachers remind you with Eagle Cash and it helps to get you back on track.”
Behavior Matrix
Office Managed Behavior Form
Eagle Cash Students spend their Eagle Cash on… * Monthly events * Mobile School Store * School supplies in the classroom
A student said, “I like to earn the Eagle Cash to be able to attend Sweets for Treats and attend the trip.”
Monthly Events
Eagle Cash Events
A student said, “The monthly events are motivating so you will do the right thing and earn Eagle Cash.”
Positive Office Referral Principal calls home with the student Offers a “selfie” to be posted to Facebook Student can take the POR or it is mailed
Super Eagles Super Eagles: SUPER EAGLE can be earned when a student or staff member is exemplary! Super Eagles: are recognized on video announcements. earn a certificate and lunch with the Principal. are honored with their picture displayed on a bulletin board for the remainder of the school year. earn a coupon book for a variety of rewards including free admission to a SHHS sporting event.
A student said, “I like that I was able to earn it, and it then gives me the opportunity to do other things. I felt excited because I knew that I was showing Eagle Expectations.”
Teachers said, “I like to be able to buy the PBIS Hot Spot. It’s really nice on After School Academy nights.” “Staff Eagle Cash makes me feel good. It makes me feel valued.”
How Do We Know PBIS is Working? We use lots of DATA!
What Will Move Us to the Next Level? Restorative Practices What it is: *a belief that decisions are best made and conflicts are best resolved by those most directly involved in them *a movement that seeks to develop good relationships and restore a sense of community in an increasingly disconnected world What it is NOT: *merely a discipline approach *a replacement for consequences or a consequence in and of itself What are we doing?: Monthly PD for our staff Morning Circles/Meetings in all homerooms Restorative Conferences/Circles
Student Achievement Meetings for Tier II & III *Teams meet formally at least twice monthly *Leadership team meets weekly *Data driven *Staff completes Request for Assistance *All documentation is on Office 365 *Student folders will carry over from year to year
We love PBIS!