Multi-Purpose Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System PHITS Multi-Purpose Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System How to use PSFC4PHITS PHITS講習会 入門実習 May 2016 revised Title 1
Phase Space File Data files recording particle source produced by clinical accelerators or 60Co. Using these files, downstream simulation can be conducted without upstream simulation which requires setup details of accelerators. The data files can be downloaded from IAEA Nuclear Data Service. A data file consists of a pair of a header and a binary files. What is PSF 2
Phase Space File Data files recording particle source produced by clinical accelerators or 60Co. Using these files, downstream simulation can be conducted without upstream simulation which requires setup details of accelerators. The data files can be downloaded from IAEA Nuclear Data Service. A data file consists of a pair of a header and a binary files. In this document, we introduce how to use PSFC4PHITS with Varian_Clinac_600C_6MV_1x1 which can be downloaded from the URL below. Header file URL: Binary file URL: What is PSF 3
Phase Space File What is PSF 4 Header file (e.g. VarianClinaciX_6MV_05x05.IAEAheader) Use a text editor to read this file. $IAEA_INDEX: 600 // IAEA website: $TITLE: PHASESPACE in IAEA format for Varian Clinac 600C, 6MV photon ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ $BYTE_ORDER: 1234 $ORIG_HISTORIES: 69184770 $PARTICLES: 9414373 The number of histories in original simulation ($ORIG_HISTORIES) and the number of particle data ($PARTICLES) Required for the normalization What is PSF 4
PSFC4PHITS PSFC4PHITS HowTo 5 A program to convert from the phase space file to the dump data in PHITS format IAEA Nuclear Data Sevice’s original program* was modified and adapted to the PHITS code * 1. Make an input file for PSFC4PHITS(psfc4phits.inp). More Details given in README 2. Copy a header file and a binary data file to the PSFC4PHITS/ directory. 3. Execute Windows: Drag psfc4phits.inp and drop into psfc4phits_win.bat Mac: Double click psfc4phits_mac.commnad and type psfc4phits.inp + enter Name of the phase space file (without suffix extension) Varian_Clinac_600C_6MV_1x1 $ Phase space filename dmp-PHITS.out $ Output filename 1 $ Starting line 100000 $ Ending line -1 $ iopt: -1 (ASCII), 1 (binary[unformatted]) File name of dump data for PHITS iopt: option for data format Starting and ending sources to be converted. (The maximum number is the value of $PARTICLES written in a header file) PSFC4PHITS HowTo 5
Outputs of PSFC4PHITS PSFC4PHITS generates a dump data file for PHITS dmp-PHITS.out (when iopt=-1) Information on particles (kf-code, x-, y-, z-coordinates, x-, y-, z-components, energy, weight value) are written in ASCII format when you set iopt=-1. PSFC4PHITS outputs 6
A sample input for PHITS In order to use the converted data as a source file, you need to set the [source] section of the PHITS input file as follows: This normalization factor (totfact) is required to convert results as values per original sources. phits.inp [ S o u r c e ] set:c1[69184770] set:c2[9414373] totfact = c2/c1 s-type = 17 file = dmp-PHITS.out dump = -9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C1: The number of histories in original simulation performed to make the phase space file(ORIG_HISTORIES in the header file) C2: The number of particle data ($PARTICLES in the header file) Dump definition 9 data are outputted dump = -9 for iopt=-1, dump = 9 for iopt=1 Order of particle data info specified by ID-numbers setting to use dump data 7
Result of t-track tally A result of PHITS track_xz.eps The photon beam start from the surface of z=66.8cm with the positive direction of z-axis. Result of t-track tally 8
Important notice PSFC4PHITS was developed by modifying the original program developed by Dr. Roberto Capote Noy (IAEA) Dr. Iwan Kawrakow (National Research Council of Canada Ottawa) to adapt the dump data into the PHITS format. This program can convert only data files generated in the IAEA format. Please set the number of total history (maxcas * maxbch) less than the number of the converted sources or obtained results may be biased. Important notice 9