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Please email me that you were in attendance today Please email me that you were in attendance today. I will turn in the paperwork this afternoon.

When it is time to makes schedules, students must have every course they are taking entered into scheduling, or if it is after MTGR, then grade reporting. Many districts just enter every student’s schedule on the course assign tab in grade reporting. That is a lot of data entry! It is too much work! Using the Scheduling Load can save you tons of time. Using it allows for course requests to be entered, either through txMyZone, or by manually entering them for each student in Scheduling. Also, proxies can be used to group courses. Proxies require 1 entry, where as the group of courses may require up to 7 or 8 entries. The Scheduling Load will take student’s course requests and schedule them into sections that are built in the master schedule, thus, the scheduling is done, with the exception of a few tweaks.

This works best when the master schedule has been completed for next year, however, most districts usually make at least one change. The earlier administration can work on and be finished with the master schedule, the better. That is a conversation I highly recommend you have with your administrator.

The scheduling load in TxEIS Scheduling allows you to: 1. Get student schedules into Grade Reporting. You either have to manually enter every schedule there or have someone, or the students, enter course requests. They are entered into Scheduling from txMyZone automatically. 2. Manipulate the master schedule so you can tweak it to become next year’s master schedule. You can add and delete courses, sections, periods, and teachers. This only manipulates data in a template in the Scheduling application and does not effect this year’s schedule in any way. 3. Generate student schedules after student course requests are in. I highly encourage you to get student’s course requests into the Scheduling application via txMyZone. Please do not enter them yourself. This will save you an enormous amount of time.

Without hesitation, I recommend the following: 1. Have a class at a time go to a computer lab, sign into txMyZone, and drag courses they want to take next year to the appropriate column. They should have a list of required courses. 2. Run Scheduling Load to place students into sections.

I have gone to districts and assisted in the computer lab for a couple of class periods to make sure everything runs smoothly..

To schedule self contained elementary students, you need to use Elementary Scheduling in grade reporting. Use the Scheduling Load for elementary grades that rotate classes. You can use Proxies here to simplify.

Here are the websites for txMyZone: If we host you,. https://txsuite Here are the websites for txMyZone: If we host you, (your county district number) tm stands for txMyZone, If not, then https://txeis.your domain/txmyzone/login.aspx

You must coordinate scheduling and the move to grade reporting if you are not the person doing both!!!!!!!!!!! If not, your schedules could be lost. There is no reason to do the MTGR before the first week in August. If you want to use scheduling, you need to do MTGR the 2nd week of August so all of scheduling can be done.

Each student needs to have at least one course before the move to grade reporting is done. MTGR puts all the schedules into Grade Reporting from Scheduling for the next school year. If you do MTGR before you are finished with scheduling, everything will be lost. Finish scheduling before you do MTGR, or at least make sure each student has at least one course.

You will need to make sure each course is coded correctly. Period Control Department Required/Elective Pregrid Grade Restriction if you want certain courses to show for only a certain grade level. High school students need more flexibility Max Seats

PROXIES are short cuts to keying in course requests. Normal Proxy EXAMPLE: Proxy A = 7th Math, 7th SS, 7th English, 7th Science, 7th PE (all the courses ALL the 7th graders will have) When I enter course requests, I will enter 5001 Band 2300 Art Proxy A So I have Band, Art, Math, SS, Eng, Sci, and PE. I had only 3 entries versus 7, so I have cut my keying (or the students keying) in more than half. **I only recommend this if you are going to enter the course requests yourself.

Match proxy Used to match 2 courses when you want one course taken 1 semester and the other course taken the other semester.  Match proxies allow you to schedule a student into courses with the same section numbers for each course. The match proxy number assigned to the student ensures that he will have the matched courses the same period of the day. Match proxies are used to ensure that students are scheduled into two one-semester courses in different semesters in the same period of the day. Before running a scheduling load, sections must be built for each course using matching section numbers and the same period of the day, but opposite semesters. EXAMPLE: 1st Sem Government 2nd Sem Economics or 1st Sem Health 2nd Sem P.E.

SCHEDULING GROUP TRANSFERS The high grade level at each campus in the district must be transferred to the next year campus. This is called scheduling group transfers. This can be done at any time in the year and the transferred student records will remain available at the current campus, and they will also be available for scheduling purposes at the next year campus. This needs to be done before you start working in the Scheduling application. Instructions on how to do this is on our website and the document is called Scheduling Group Transfers.>Services>TxEIS>Student> Scheduling Group Transfers

To start the scheduling load process, the first thing you will do is use the utilities delete next year master schedule and create next year master schedule. You are deleting/creating these in the Scheduling application, which is a template. It is not changing anything in your current schedule. This will clear last years data out of the template so it will be ready for new data. DO ALL OF THIS BEFORE YOU HAVE STUDENTS ENTER COURSE REQUESTS !!!!!!!!



3. Create Next Year District Courses.

4. Create Next Year Campus Courses, Sections, Instructors. Do not copy sections into Next Year Campus Courses if you are going to use the Resource Allocator in Generating the Master Schedule. I do not know of anyone using that.

5. Click on the Courses tab and retrieve the master schedule. This is where you will tweak this year’s master schedule to make it next year’s master schedule. Add, delete, or modify courses/sections/teachers here.

Check this box if you don’t want students to be able to choose course. 2. Period Control = Nbr. of semesters x Nbr. of periods class meets. EX: 2 sem course x 1 class period = . Most courses are this way. A 1 sem course would be 1; 1 x 1=1. If period control is 0, course will not show up in myZone. EACH COURSE NEEDS A PERIOD CONTROL !!!!!

1. You MUST have a number in the max seats box. or the 1. You MUST have a number in the max seats box or the course will not schedule. 2. Courses like Band, Cheerleading, and Athletics are electives, but are very important in scheduling. These should be marked as REQUIRED so that they will be scheduled. Also mark CTE as Required.

You can choose to specify which courses can be taken by which grade levels. You can label a course made only for 7th graders as pregrid resctricted for 7th grade. If you enter 7th + 1, that would mean 7th graders and 8th graders can take it. Be sure you use the pregrid grd restr, not the grd restr. When a 7th grade logs into txMyZone, only courses coded for 7th grader will appear.

6. Have the students enter their course requests into txMyZone.

If the graduation plan application has been set up, the students can see their own graduation plan in txMyZone. This helps them plan for courses for the upcoming years. They are able to drag the course into course requests.

Once the students enter the course requests into myzone, they are automatically put into scheduling. This makes your job so much easier!!!

The course requests tab in Scheduling looks similar to the course assign tab in Grade Reporting.

7. In Scheduling, set the options in Maintenance>Master 7. In Scheduling, set the options in Maintenance>Master Schedule>District>District Control tab.


9. Go to Scheduling>Maintenance >Scheduling Load>Options.

10. Go to the Scheduling Load tab and do a Run (This used to be Trial Run).You can do this as many times as necessary, however, once you accept the load, you cannot make anymore changes. Do not choose Accept Load until you are 100% certain you don’t want to make anymore changes.

11. Click on View Load Stats. You will see what 11. Click on View Load Stats. You will see what percentage of students were scheduled.

You can see students that were partially scheduled, students that were rejected, and student’s schedules. These are the tabs you will mostly use. Again, do NOT accept the load until you are 100% sure it is what you want. You cannot go back. You can save your schedules as they are currently then run another trial load. If the previous trial load was better, then import the previous one.

12. Now, you can go back into the master schedule (Scheduling>Maintenance> Master Schedule) and/or student course requests and make adjustments according to your partially scheduled students, your reject list, and your student schedules. *** Partially Scheduled Students tab will give you the most information on scheduling issues.

You can move students from one course to another, add a course for students enrolled in a specific course, and add or drop students from a specific course. This MUST be done before the load is accepted. You can get the students scheduled and NOT accept the load until the very last minute. You could make easy changes this way if a course has changed and you know about it before MTGR.

13. You are now ready to run IT AGAIN. View your stats again, make adjustments where necessary again, and run another Trial Load. After you view your stats, and you are satisfied with the results, you will Accept Load. Remember, once accepted you cannot go back and do any work in Scheduling.

The student’s schedules are in the last tab, schedules, under Scheduling Load. Print them from there. Remember, after MTGR is run, any changes to the master schedule or student schedules will need to be made in Grade Reporting.

There is a wonderful timeline suggestion in the Performing the Scheduling Process for Secondary Students Training Guide beginning on Page 5.

If you have questions, or would like to speak to us about the setup, please call or email David or me.