Northern Sumatra, Indonesia 2004 Task – do now! Which of these earthquake was the most severe? Write 2-3 sentences explaining your reasons why. The most severe earthquake was… This is because… Northern Sumatra, Indonesia 2004 Magnitude = 9.1 Cost of damage = $US 3 billion Total deaths = 227,898 Hokkaido, Japan 2003 Magnitude = 8.3 Cost of damage = $US 1 million Total deaths = 1 Port-au-Prince, Haiti 2010 Magnitude = 7.0 Cost of damage = $US 14 billion Total deaths = 293,383 Is there a link between magnitude and impacts? Why?
Is it possible to prepare for earthquakes? Learning Objectives To describe the methods we can plan, predict and prepare for earthquakes. To explain why the level of preparedness differs between countries in earthquake hazard zones around the world. To investigate the level of risk from a possible earthquake event in San Francisco. To make a decision about what San Francisco should do to prepare for an earthquake event.
What can countries do to prepare for earthquakes?
We will ask the following 3 questions about each city: Today you will be working in small groups investigating 3 different cities and evaluating how effective they are against earthquake risks. We will ask the following 3 questions about each city: 1. How are city planners ensuring the city is earthquake-proof? 2. What methods is the city using to predict future earthquakes? 3. What is the city doing to prepare its citizens for any future earthquakes?
I predict that city is the most prepared because… Prediction: Which city do you think is the most prepared for an earthquake? Why? Los Angeles, USA Port-au-Prince, Haiti Tokyo, Japan I predict that city is the most prepared because…
Write the total scores for each city at the bottom of your sheet. Assign 1 city to each person in your group. You have 9 minutes to research your city and complete the following table: Now you have investigated each city you need to rank all 3 for the different categories. Write the score in the box for that category. The best = 1 The worst = 3 Once each box has a score you need to add up the totals for each city. The city with the lowest score is the MOST PREPARED and the city with the highest score is the LEAST PREPARED. Write the total scores for each city at the bottom of your sheet.
Independent task: 1. Which city is the most prepared? Explain your reasons why – remember to consider the three components (plan, predict, prepare). Aim for three developed points. 2. Which city is the least prepared? Explain your reasons why. Aim for three developed points.
Exam Question Describe how technology can be used to prepare for tectonic hazards. (4 marks)
GCSE OCR Geography B Geography for enquiring minds Component Weighting Duration 1. Our Natural World Global Hazards Changing Climate Distinctive Landscapes Sustaining Ecosystems Fieldwork 35% 1 hour 15 minutes (May/June) 2. People and Society Urban Functions Dynamic Development UK in the 21st Century Resource Reliance 3. Geographical Exploration Decision making exercise 30% 1 hour 30 minutes (May/June)
Decision Making Exercise There are hundreds of faults that run through California. One of the most dangerous is the Hayward Fault, which runs through the San Francisco Bay Area. The California Earthquake Authority (CEA) needs to decide the best way to reduce the impact of any earthquake in the Bay Area, with one of their aims being to keep communities sustainable. You have been asked to recommend the best way for them to spend their time and money.
Decision Making Exercise Three possible options have been suggested: Option 1 To rebuild all important facilities such as hospitals, fire stations and power stations away from the fault line. Option 2 To make all new buildings meet existing strict building codes and make all older buildings earthquake proof. Option 3 To improve the awareness of people in the Bay Area about the risk of earthquakes and tell them how to prepare for an earthquake.
Planning Task 1. Create a mind map to describe what is at risk in the Bay Area. 2. Use a coloured pencil or highlighter to categorise these into social, economic, and environmental impacts.
Is this option sustainable? Advantages Disadvantages Is this option sustainable? Option 1 To rebuild all important facilities such as hospitals, fire stations and power stations away from the fault line. Option 2 To make all new buildings meet existing strict building codes and make all older buildings earthquake proof. Option 3 To improve the awareness of people in the Bay Area about the risk of earthquakes and tell them how to prepare for an earthquake.
Decision Making Exercise You have been asked to write a report to the California Earthquake Authority (CEA) about reducing the impact of any earthquake in the Bay Area. You should: Identify one option which you recommend in the best way for the CEA to reduce the impact of any earthquake in the Bay Area. Explain why your option is better than the other two in keeping communities socially and economically sustainable. Explain why choosing only one of the options is unlikely to be effective on its own.
Is it possible to prepare for earthquakes? Learning Objectives To describe the methods we can plan, predict and prepare for earthquakes. To explain why the levels of preparedness differ between countries in earthquake hazard zones around the world. To investigate the level of risk from an earthquake event in San Francisco. To make a decision about what San Francisco should do to prepare for an earthquake event.