Minutes from PLCS TOG Meeting Filton, UK 8-9 March 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Minutes from PLCS TOG Meeting Filton, UK 8-9 March 2012

Attendees nameorganisationDates attended Phil Rutland UK MoD8/9 Gav KingUK MoD8/9 Tony ArmstrongUK MoD8/9 Malcolm ButtonUK MoD8/9 Rob BodingtonEurostep8/9 Phil Spiby Eurostep8/9 Mike Day Rolls Royce8/9 Deb HamRolls Royce8/9 Des Willans Boeing UK Defence8/9 Trine Hansen DNV9 Fredrik Lied LarsenDNV8/9 Tor Arne Irgens NDLO8/9 Scott Motquin LOGSA8/9 Mats Nilsson FMV8/9 James NyambayoLSC8/9 2

Implementers forum outline from Scots presentation 1 of 3 PLCS Implementors Forum - Purpose Reduce barriers to and risk of implementations Provide feedback to PLCS standards developers based on experience of implementation Verify software implementation supports specific DEX capabilities Verify interoperability of PLCS software Publish recommended practices to PLCS community Define Conformance & Compliance PLCS IF Phase Approach Phase I – Concept Phase II – Design Phase III - Development Phase IV – Sustainment PLCS-IF Completed Efforts Concept of Operations (CONOPS) Provides high level description of PLCS-IF requirements, processes, roles, and responsibilities Provides principles and practices envisioned to support DEX testing Workshops held in Charleston, SC Input from domestic and international stakeholders Input from industry and governmen 3 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Implementers forum outline from Scots presentation 2 of 3 PLCS-IF Current Efforts Major Deliverables Software Design Description (SDD) Public and Private Webpages Public, Forum....(test cases, lessons learned, best practices, etc) Private, Test result, member only information Provides detailed design principles required to implement CONOPS PLCS Tool Kits Surveys Demonstration Evaluation Hello World Business DEX Bill of Material Test & Sample Data PLCSlib Strategic Communication Plan 4 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Implementers forum outline from Scots presentation 3 of 3 PLCS-IF Next Steps Development Phase Build Develop Public and Private web portal (technical infrastructure) Phased approach Secure logon Syntax and Structure checking Semantic analysis Identify Business Test Case Test Phase Gather test data (from business test cases) Demonstrate/Verify system Develop Usage Guide Potential Deliverable Software Development Plan Prototype Sustainment Phase Provide program management activities to maintain test environment Provide testing documentation Monitor and promote forum participation Promote usage of PLCS Coordination of testing 5 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Reference Data (to be updated) 6 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Artifacts to be standardized artifactsArena for standardisation Arena for governance infrastructure ISO AP 239 Activity model ISOISO TC 184 SC4ISO PLCS PSM Express PLCS PSM SysML XMI PLCS PSM RD PLCS PSM XSD OASIS StdOASIS PLCS TCPLCSLib Templates DEXs OASIS TC SpecOASIS PLCS TCPLCSLib PLCS RDOASIS TC SpecOASIS PLCS TCPLCSLib Web servicesOASIS TC SpecOASIS PLCS TCtbd Business domain TemplatesDomaindomainPLCSLib Business domain DEXsDomaindomainPLCSLib Business domain RDDomaindomainPLCSLib PLCSLib and assosiated tools NAPLCS TOG Claim of SW vendor to PLCS conformance/compliance (e.g. Adaptors/repositories/applications) IF 7

Recommendations to TC 1 of 2 1. Confirm recommendation that all future development be done using PLCSlib 2. Recommend acceptance of proposed changes to PLCS PSM, and corresponding PLCS PSM Reference Data Some issues to be addressed 3. Recommend acceptance of XML Schema in principle, but recommend that it reviewed further – 2 weeks Some issues to be addressed 4. Recommend that the harmonized PSM is frozen be end March Further harmonization with AP 242 should continue and changes proposed will be considered for incorporation at a later date. 5. Recommend PLCS PSM, XML Schema and PLCS PSM Reference Data are put forward for standardization as OASIS standards 6. Recommended that the PLCSlib templates, PLCS ref. data and exemplar DEX are reviewed and then the template and ref data standardized as OASIS Committee Specifications 8 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Recommendations to TC 2 of 2 PLCS Implementers Forum 1. The IF is very welcome but the relationship between the TC and the IF needs to be strengthened 2. Concern that a single proprietary piece of software will be used as the reference 3. There is not a clear relationship between the IF, the TC and TOG. 1. The purpose of the TOG and the TC is partially duplicated by the IF. This should be clarified. 2. Is the IF focused on: 1. Interoperability 2. conformance of PLCS implementations 3. or the goodness of DEX 3. Recommend that there is one set of Model Usage Guidance 1. PLCSIF use PLCSlib, with all Model Usage Guidance developed using PLCSlib 2. The governance procedure for the usage guidance should be the same as the rest of PLCSlib 3. Recommend that the usage guide should be an informative annex to the PLCSlib standards 4. Recommend that the PLCSIF publish the exemplar DEXs on PLCSlib 5. The TC needs to clarify what our expectations are of the IF 6. Suggest a (2 day) workshop for the TC to address this issue. The IF should be invited. 9 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002