Chapter Thirty-seven “…so it has a sort of comfortable nostalgia to it…” Describe what Puck is referring to. What is nostalgia? Where does this idea fit into your life? Explain something that may be nostalgic to you. Puck thinks, “Gabe had underestimated both of us.” What has caused her to believe this about Gabe and why? “I recon I could learn to bear it if I had to.” Who shares this observation and what does he/she mean? Have you ever had to bear something because there was no other choice? Explain. Were you at all surprised that the capall were truly hunting? How does this event support or disprove your predictions about the capall? Gabe orders, “You’re not getting out of this car until we’re well clear.” Explain the irony in this statement given our feelings about Gabe’s character up till this point. Why would it hurt Puck when Finn was so, “…incredibly pleased to have been asked.”? The last dialogue is rather foreboding. Can you predict what Tommy might mean in replying, “Long enough.”
Chapter Thirty-eight Explain Puck’s surprise at the interactions between Peg, Gabe, and Beech. What does she infer from their conversations? Why do these conversations cause Puck sadness? “The betrayal sits thick between us.”What type of figurative language is used here? What betrayal does Puck feel? Do you agree with her emotions? Why/why not? Were you aware of the oddness in the interactions between Gabe and Peg? If not, go back and reread these sections and explain your interpretation of their behaviors. What is the Secret Language of Men? Do you agree with Puck that sometimes it seems that certain people actually have a secret language between them? Why/how could that be?
Chapter Thirty-nine Describe the struggle Sean faces as he hears the storm and realizes what may be in it. Locate and share the quote that solidifies his decision. Reread the final sentence in the chapter. What can you infer from Sean’s feelings on Malvern? Do you agree? Why/why not?
Chapter forty How can you tell that Peg supports Puck’s participation in the race? Locate supports from you reading. Peg’s advice allows the reader to infer what about the men and what they are willing to do to prevent Puck from participating? From context clues, define nefarious. Peg comments, “You’re asking them to treat you like a man,” How would this be a benefit and a detriment at the same time?
Chapter forty-one Explain the meaning/reason behind Sean’s trip to the sea. Why is he willing to accept this terrible danger? What three requests does Sean make of the sea? Explain the reasons for each.
Chapter forty-two What does Puck realize she has not earned from being a rider? How do you feel about the island inhabitants denying her this? Why does Puck assume that she would not have been asked to mind Dory Maud’s booth? How may Dory Maude be helpful? Explain why Puck thinks it’s odd that Sean wanted to buy Corr. Sean explains, “Better that your heart’s your own.” Describe his meaning.
Chapter Forty-Two-part two Do you believe that Sean does agree Puck has a,”…good reason to gamble.”? Or, is he just making her feel better? Explain your opinion. Who won in the insult battle, Mutt or Puck? Why? Were you able to feel the tension building? How is your author able to achieve this? What makes Puck able to step forward, without hesitation, and hold Corr? Can you determine the source of Puck’s anger? Describe your opinions. Daly may make the most intelligent comment of the story from the reader’s perspective. What does he say and why is it so insightful…true…?
Chapter forty-three Describe the irony about the appearance of the Skarmouth Hotel. Why do you believe Mr. Malvern chose this location to meet? What new conflict has been established at the close of this chapter? What is you opinion of this new issue?
Chapter forty-four Describe our new insight about Gabe. How would you explain its meaning? How is Father Mooneyham helpful? Puck shares that she feels, “A little lighter.” How is that possible?
Chapter forty-five From Puck’s observations, what comparison can you make between her existence and the Malvern horses’ existence? What examples support your ideas? Why does Puck continue to show Sean’s jacket as she moves through the stable? Puck finally “puts a finger” on why Sean seems so different than others. What does she decide makes him different? Puck realizes Sean’ request to help is “a test.” What would he be testing and why? Why does the simple word yet mean so much to Puck? Would you have agreed to ride with Sean? Why/why not?
Chapter forty-six “I want her to love him.” Explain what this simple statement reveals about Sean’s emotions toward Kate.
Chapters 47-48 “They’re spider webs anchoring a ship.” What is this phrase and example of and how is it effective? Describe the magic Corr and the other capaill have over humans. What does it do or cause? How is it dangerous? Finn admits, “I can’t bear not knowing what will happen.” What is the unknown for Finn? Can you sympathize with his feelings of distress? Why/why not?
Chapter forty-eight Finn admits, “I can’t bear not knowing what will happen.” What is the unknown for Finn? Can you sympathize with his feelings of distress? Why/why not? Think about Finn’s behaviors/actions. What insight does this provide about his character?
Chapter forty-nine What is the first indication that the feelings between Sean and Kate have become obvious to others? Hint**Quote from George Holly** Over what have George Holly and Malvern quarreled? Are you able to determine Malvern’s feelings regarding his son, Mutt? Explain using book supports. Based on the close of this chapter, Can you predict, using good supports, what is currently at risk?
Chapter fifty Why is Puck instructed to be her “absolute level best” with Mr. Holly? Puck believes that Dory Maud and Elizabeth may have underestimated Mr. Holly. Do you agree? Based on what support? What exactly is going on between Mr. Holly and Mary Finch? Holly approves of Kate. How can you tell?
Chapter fifty-one Describe the harsh realization that hits Puck as she trains with Sean. This chapter truly emphasizes the point of view your author has chose. What is the point of view and do you approve? Why/why not?
Chapter fifty-two Puck explains Sean’s arrival as courting. From your background knowledge and context clues, what is courting? Puck then thinks, “I don’t have time to explain the truth of it.” However, what is the truth? “It’s late for the Puck.” Explain Sean’s meaning.
Chapter fifty-three Does Mutt’s behavior shock you? Why would it have been his choice to go after Corr and not Sean himself? Describe your opinion of Mr. Malern’s reaction to the events.
Chapter fifty-four Are Dory Maud’s intentions true toward Puck and her warning? Explain why she believes that Sean would be a poor match for Puck. Why was Puck searching for Tommy?
Chapter fifty-five Why do you think Gabe’s personality continues to shock Puck? Have you ever been surprised by a family member or friend that you thought you knew very well? Explain. Norman Falk explains, “We would’ve lost him either way.” What was he referring to and what is your opinion of his view. What understanding changes for Puck after Tommy’s death?
Chapter fifty-six How has the meaning of the race changed for Sean? Do you agree with Puck’s description of Sean’s needs? Why/why not? Explain the irony in the race outcome.
Chapter fifty-seven Describe the very real reminder Puck receives about her need to race…and win. Do you feel that Puck is being reasonable in her thoughts about a solution to her family’s problems? Explain your opinion.
Chapter fifty-eight Were you surprised to see the repeated line? What was our author’s purpose in repeating the dramatic sentiment from our beginning? Describe how George Holly is attempting to assist Sean. Is this a good strategy? Why does Sean need help?
Chapter fifty-nine After everything the reporter causes more anxiety for Puck than”…anything I’ve encountered so far.” Why? How can you tell that Sean and Puck are now comfortable with their feelings toward one another?
Chapter sixty Describe the reasons that race officials have for denying Puck her colors. Did it surprise you that they denied Gabe as well? Why/why not?
Chapter sixty-one What is the intent of Mutt’s threat? How does your author create such suspense in the time leading up to the race?
Chapter sixty-two Describe the advantages that Dove has over the faster capaill. Is Puck’s participation in the race a help or a hindrance for Sean? Explain your feelings. What does Sean infer from the wound on Puck’s thigh? What does this tell you about the other riders from the island that have known her for her whole life? Can you determine anything unusual about Corr’s response to Dove? Can you sense a parallel between the animals and their humans?
Chapter sixty-three Winning was everything, right? Sean feels differently now. What has changed his feelings?
Chapter Sixty-four Were there ever any examples of foreshadowing that Finn had placed a bet on Puck…or that Dory Maud was in her corner? Explain.
Chapter sixty-five Puck shares, “…if he wasn’t expecting me before, he’ll be expecting me when I walk in.” What do you suppose she means by this odd statement? What character trait has Puck’s entire experience given her, observed as she strides into the Malvern home uninvited? How does drinking the tea add strength to Puck’s requests? Did it surprise you that Puck asked Malvern for a job? Why/why not? Did it surprise you that Malvern agreed to all three requests? Why/why not?
Chapter sixty-six Corr returns… Had you predicted such? Be honest. Was this a good ending? A fulfilling ending for you, the reader? Why/why not?
End of novel thoughts… Why is the novel titled, The Scorpio Races?