Scaffolding Lessons to Meet Students Needs


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Presentation transcript:

Scaffolding Lessons to Meet Students Needs Expeditionary Learning Professional Development

Effective Collaboration: Norms and Guidelines 1. Promoting a Spirit of Inquiry and Balancing Advocacy 2. Pausing 3. Paraphrasing 4. Probing 5. Putting Ideas on the Table 6. Paying Attention to Self and Others 7. Presuming Positive Intentions

Learning Targets I can explain the foundations necessary for effective differentiation to occur. I can name effective scaffolds for EL’s ELA lessons.

Struggle for Smarts le-for-smarts-how-eastern-and-western-cultures-tackle-learning Alix Spiegel. (2012, November 12) Struggle for Smarts? How Eastern and Western Cultures Tackle Learning [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

Back-to-Back; Face-to-Face What does “productive struggle” look like and sound like for your students? What does productive struggle look like for you as a professional? How does this impact your view of implementation of the Common Core Standards with learners who may struggle? How does differentiation allow all students to have access to productive struggle? How do we create a school/district culture that promotes risk taking and “productive struggle”?

Chalk Talk Form a group of no more than 4 people. With a marker, stand in front of one of the charts. Brainstorm solutions to the listed challenge and write on the chart – taking ONLY the top 1/4 of the paper. After 2 minutes, you will go to another poster, read what has written before you, and add additional ideas…again, taking up only ¼ of the total paper. You will visit at least 4 different posters.

Reflect How did this protocol impact you as a learner?

Scaffold a temporary support that helps students achieve a learning goal


Discuss What structures are evidenced in the video that support ALL learners?

Jigsaw Create triads. Assign a facilitator and a timekeeper. Locate EL’s document, A Guide to Supporting English Language Learners. Group Member 1 reads Introduction and Design, pp. 1-14 Group Member 2 reads Case Study and Scaffolds, pp. 26-36 Group Member 3 reads Adaptations of Lesson, pp. 42-57 

Jigsaw Create triads. Assign a facilitator and a timekeeper. Locate the following: Group Member 1 reads “Digging Deeper on Differentiation Strategies” Group Member 2 reads “Diving Deeper into Differentiation” Group Member 3 reads “Additional Work with Related Texts”  

Close Reading Please read closely, annotating the text for specific information that strikes you as essential to share/discuss with your team. After a first, close read, revisit the text and highlight the three most important points that you would like to share with your triad.

What, So What, Now What Locate the What, So What, Now What notecatcher. Record the three highlighted points from the document in the “What” column of your notecatcher. Complete the corresponding rows of “So What” (meaning what does the highlighted point mean in your own words?) and the “Now What” (meaning what are the implications for your instruction or coaching?)

Discussion Facilitator leads the group in a discussion protocol. Each member shares one row of the notecatcher and the other two members of the triad take a minute each to respond. Continue in rounds until each participant has had a chance to share all three highlighted points, their meanings and their implications.

Review Learning Targets I can explain the foundations necessary for effective differentiation to occur. I can name effective scaffolds for EL’s ELA lessons.

Share I used to think that scaffolding was________, but now I know ___________________.

New Learning Target I can analyze how school systems that are implementing EL’s ELA curriculum are responding to the needs of students.

Highlighting Scaffolds for ELLs Option A Highlighting Scaffolds for ELLs

A Profile of a Learner: Irene Locate, A Profile of a Learner: Irene (actual student) Read the profile and record questions and connections in the space provided at the bottom of the document. Discuss with your tablemates your questions and connections. After, add new ideas to the “Thoughts after Group Discussion” portion of the note-catcher.

Student Work Locate Irene’s Work Samples and Irene’s Work Sample Analysis document. Ali’s teacher is implementing the modules in a classroom with a heterogeneous population of students (including a high population of ELLs.) Work in pairs through the tasks on the Work Sample Analysis document.

Share What did you notice about the progression of Irene’s work?  

Annotated Lesson Plan Locate the Annotated Lesson Plan. Read through the annotations provided by the teacher. Use the margin to write connections between Irene’s work and the lesson plan.

Highlighting Scaffolds for Students with Disabilities Option B Highlighting Scaffolds for Students with Disabilities

Profile of a Grade 7 Inclusion Class Locate a Profile of a Grade 7 Inclusion Class. Please read the profile and record questions and connections in the space provided at the bottom of the profile. Discuss with your tablemates your questions and connections from the profile. Add new ideas to the “Thoughts After Group Discussion” portion of the note-catcher.

Other Scaffolding Options Locate the additional document, Scaffolding Options for ELA. Take a few moments to review the list and note any new ideas.

Application Locate the lesson plan for Grade 7; Module 2A; Unit 1 (or one of your own.) Read the lesson plan and annotate for possible scaffolds.

Learning Targets Reflection I can explain the foundations necessary for effective differentiation to occur. I can name effective scaffolds for EL’s ELA lessons. I can analyze how school systems that are implementing EL’s ELA curriculum are responding to the needs of students.

Revisiting the Learning Target Tracker Take a moment to assess where you are now in meeting these targets. Mark where you with a different symbol or the time. How has your understanding of the learning targets grown?