Primary One Blending Sounds Jolly Phonics Workshop.
Overview Review of sounds Reading – Blending Writing sounds Sentence building Browsing resources Suggested websites and Apps for home use
Review of Sounds *Letter names are also taught along with new sounds.
Digraphs. ch sh th qu ai ou ar ie oo ng oi ue er ee or
Reading Blending sounds to read words VC words CVC words CVVC words at dog coat First sound is the loudest Say each sound once Use pointing finger, moving from left to right Jolly Phonics flash cards/ sound buttons Teaching strategies: Paper Squares, (Phoneme Pop and Blending Bingo)
Blending examples. VC – at is in an it CVC – dog cat ham dot CVVC – pain book soak park Others: fluff pram stamp sand
Tricky Words. Tricky words you tube
Guided and Shared Reading. Reading Skills: Key features of the book: Title page, blurb, spine, cover page, author and illustrator, page numbers, index. Fact or Fiction. Prediction, draw upon own experiences. Picture cues Words – how many words are in the sentence. Applying phonological awareness Looking at beginning sound Blending from left to right (Starfall) Blend each word Re-read whole sentence. Knowledge of tricky words I, the, he, she, to, do, we, be, me, was, come – more later. Confidence – familiar texts sent home
Reading prompts Talk about the pictures on the cover before you start Discuss the title with your child. Do they recognise any sounds (i.e the sounds of letters covered to date in class). Discuss the illustrator and author. Allow the child to hold the book and turn the pages Ask your child to predict what will happen in the story and ask them why? Talk about the characters as you go along and their feelings and what they’re thinking. – Ask them about familiar events linked to the story and ask if your child has ever felt like that etc. Ask them to describe the characters and discuss what they’re doing in the picture even if it’s not stated in the text. Look beyond the obvious and discuss this with your child. What was the most exciting part of the book?
Reading prompts What part of the story did you like best and why? What do you think the saddest part of the story was? Why? Who was your favourite character and why? Make sure your child gives as much detail as possible in answering questions. Discourage ‘baby’ talk- e.g her says…. Or me want…. Encourage children to pronounce words correctly and speak in full sentences. Recap a story if you are continuing it from a previous day Ask them to slow down if they are rushing Give them time to think if they get stuck on a word. Give them the word – no matter how many times you have given the same word still praise for a try (good or bad) Give lots of praise throughout the session End on a positive note Discuss the book and get their opinion. Ask one question before/during or after each session about the book.
Writing VC words CVC words CVVC words Think before you write Segmenting sounds Listen for first, middle and last sounds Emphasis on forming lower case letters correctly reciting letter jingles. Nonsense words Teaching strategies: dictation, phonics cubes and mats
Sentence Building Introduce key concepts: capital letter, full stop, finger spaces, direction of writing Letter formation Uniform size Spacing Left handed children. Write on your whiteboards: I see a cat.
SSuggested Websites, Apps & Games (games section) (games section and interactive whiteboard resources) (early years section) Apps: Pocket Phonics Twinkl phonics suite Forest Phonics Games to play with your child.
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