Welcome to Aurora High School Open House & Program Information Evening for Grade 8 Students, Parents and Guardians
Junior Boys Volleyball Team York Region Finalist 2017
Senior Boys Volleyball Team York Region Champions 2017
Girls Swim Team York Region Champions 2017
Snowboarding and Alpine Skiing Teams York Region and OFSAA Champions 2017
Cami Ormond 3-Time OFSAA Cross-Country Champion
Grade 10 Civics students investigating the 5 elements of peace at the "Making Peace International Photo Exhibit" at Aurora Town Park
Green Acres - Grade 9 Transition Day
About Us Aurora High School was founded in 1972 Our student population is approximately 1380 and we will welcome approx. 360 Grade 9 students in September 2018 We are a dual track school with our French Immersion students making up approx. 40% of our school’s population
Specialist High Skills Major These programs allow students to customize their high school experience through a variety of new and enhanced learning options Aurora High has the largest program in the YRDSB per capita At AHS we offer four sectors in: Arts and Culture Business Construction Health and Wellness Transportation (pending approval) Students can enroll in a SHSM program during Grades 11 & 12
SHSM Recognition If you have questions regarding the SHSM program: Please see a member of the Guidance Department or Co-operative Education Room 222
Staff and Students Aurora High School is known not only for its quality educational programming, but also for its numerous clubs and teams, which adds to a student’s overall high school experience Staff are available to support student learning and enhance the school experience through teams, clubs and co-curricular activities
Features of our School 2 semesters - 4 courses each day per semester School begins promptly at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 2:50 p.m. (arrival by 8:05 is encouraged) Classes are 75 minutes in length Frequent parent/guardian/teacher communication Focus on developing a literate graduate, critical thinker, problem solver and contributing member of society Partnerships with community groups and post-secondary institutions Programs in place to support our at-risk students
Student Success Team Administration Student Success Teacher Guidance Student Support Services Cooperative Education Personalized Alternative Education Literacy Teacher Classroom Teachers Working together to support: Student achievement A smooth transition to secondary school Success in secondary school Successful transition to post-secondary Introduce Ms. Patti Anglin
Ontario Secondary School Diploma Requirements 12 Optional Credits Successful Completion of Ontario Literacy Requirement 18 Compulsory Credits O.S.S.D 40 Hours of Community Involvement with a not-for-profit organization
18 Compulsory Credits 4 credits in English (1 credit per grade) 3 credits in mathematics (1 credit in Grade 11 or 12) 2 credits in science 1 credit in Canadian history (Grade 10) credit in Canadian geography (Grade 9) credit in the arts (drama, music, visual arts) credit in health and physical education credit in French 0.5 credit in career studies (Grade 10) credit in civics (Grade 10) PLUS ……..
* Conditions apply with the French and cooperative education credits Compulsory Credits 1 Credit from Group 1 5th English credit French* Canadian and world studies Social sciences and the humanities Guidance and career education Cooperative education * PLUS …….. * Conditions apply with the French and cooperative education credits
cooperative education credits Compulsory Credits 1 Credit from Group 2 2nd health and physical education credit 2nd arts credit Business studies French * Cooperative education * PLUS …….. Conditions apply with the French and cooperative education credits
cooperative education credits Compulsory Credits 1 Credit from Group 3 Senior science credit French* Computer studies Technological education Cooperative education * PLUS …….. *Conditions apply with the French and cooperative education credits
12 Elective Credits Elective credits allow students to build an educational program that suits their individual interests and skills in order to meet work, college, apprenticeship or university requirements. PLUS ……..
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test Administered to all students enrolled in an Ontario high school in the spring of Grade 10 A test based on language and communication (reading and writing) Expectations of the curriculum up to and including Grade 9 are the basis for the skills being tested
Involvement Diploma requirement Encourages civic responsibility, promotes community values and reinforces the importance of volunteering Students are responsible for: having their activity pre-approved, tracking and submitting their completed form to Guidance Guidelines and forms will be provided to help record involvement up to 40 hours Community Involvement may commence at the start of summer after the Grade 8 year and must take place with a not-for-profit organization
L P D O Grade 9 & 10 Course Types In Grade 9 & 10, students will choose courses from four types: Applied Academic Open Locally Developed - Practical, real life approach -More teacher directed activities -Learn in smaller chunks -Theoretical and abstract approach -Both directed and independent tasks -More student initiated work -An opportunity to explore new subjects -Available to all students -Guided approach -Intended for students whose educational needs are not met by the provincial courses in English, Math, Science and History -Teacher recommendation P D O L Grade 9 courses focus on establishing solid knowledge and foundational skills
Grade 9 Program Compulsory Courses Elective Courses (Choose two): English Mathematics Science Canadian Geography French Physical Education Elective Courses (Choose two): Exploring Family Studies (HIF1O) Exploring Technologies (TIJ1O) Information and Comm. Tech in Business (BTT1O) Dramatic Arts (ADA1O) Music (AMU1O) Visual Arts (AVI1O)
French Immersion Program Ten French Immersion credits are required for the French Immersion certificate: Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 French Immersion Science French Immersion Recommended Canadian History Canadian Geography Careers / Civics (Open) French Immersion students must choose 2 additional F.I courses to complete their 9th & 10th certificate requirement Students have the choice of taking: BTT1OF – Grade 9 Business SNC2DF – Grade 10 Academic Science ADA1OF – Grade 9 Drama CGG3OF – Grade 11 Geography – Travel and Tourism HSP3UF – Grade 11 Anthropology, Psychology & Sociology
Course Selection Students take 8 credits in Grade 9 Students who choose music as their elective will take a 9th credit before/after school called repertoire Students may choose a combination of applied, academic, open, and locally-developed courses
Making Informed Choices Consider the following: Your child’s ability based on Grade 8 marks Elementary teacher’s recommendation Interests, learning styles, work habits EQAO results Placement in the appropriate course type is critical for a student’s success Please remember there are many pathways to the destination of your child’s dreams!
Class Size The number of classes created is based on every student’s course selection Maximums vary depending on the course type Class sizes have firm maximums: Academic: 28-29 students Applied: 22 students Locally Developed: 16 students Open: 25-30 students There is very little flexibility to move between courses once a timetable has been built
Possible Grade 9 Timetable Semester 1 Semester 2 Period 1 English Geography Period 2 French Elective Period 3 Period 4 Physical Education Period 5 Science Math Grade Nine Common Lunch Your child’s schedule will also include the teacher’s name and room number.
Homework School work completed at home is an integral part of the curriculum and impacts student success Grade 9 students may have 60 - 90 minutes of homework each day to support in-class instruction
Reporting Student Achievements The Standard Provincial Report Card has: Achievement in every subject in the form of a percentage grade Teacher comments indicating what a student has learned, an area of strength, and next steps A separate reporting section for attendance and evaluating the student’s learning skills Summary of graduation requirements including the Grade 10 literacy test and community involvement
Student Activities Student Councils - Art, Drama, Music, Athletic, Student Government Sports Teams – e.g. Volleyball, Badminton, Rugby (many teams for boys & girls during all seasons) Clubs – Computer Science Programming, Eco Club, Indigenous Studies Club, Red & Gold Society, Portfolio Artists & many more…
Individual Pathways Plan
Access the online course selection at www. yrdsb Access the online course selection at www.yrdsb.ca and then click on IPP and Online Course Selection
Course Planner Page
Next Steps Completed yellow registration forms due to Grade 8 teachers Jan 30 Course selection sheet with parent/guardian signature due to Grade 8 teachers by Feb. 23 Feb 23 First day of classes for Grade 9 students only Tues, Sept 4 Career Cruising opens for online course selection submissions Feb 12 Online school registration for all students (timetables available online) Late Aug
www.yrdsb.ca Parent Page
Please contact School Bus City Bussing Information Please contact School Bus City www.schoolbuscity.com 1-866-287-7837
Aurora High School Boundaries Students living in Section B have the option to attend Aurora H.S. or Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School
Thank You For Joining Us! Department, clubs and teams Open House - see room list for specific locations Registration appointments for families in our area not attending an elementary partner school – Guidance Department Special Services Presentation - Library French Immersion Presentation - Cafeteria