APS and INSPIRE Mark Doyle May 20, 2008
APS Goals “Advance and diffuse knowledge of physics” Publish the best of physics in all fields Broad communication across disciplines
Who is reading PRD? Good question 99 % on arXiv.org Approximately 600,000 downloads per year Lower than other fields Current (this year + past 3) is about 40% PROLA (archive back to 1970) is about 60% Some traffic comes to PRD from other journals (PRB and PRA in particular)
Editors as Recommenders Peer review is a recommender system New journal home page design Draw attention to important articles (or anything else) Abstract pages becoming much more important Editors’ Suggestions Kaleidoscope – multimedia soon More later….
Things Already Out There Editors use arXiv, ADS, SPIRES, etc. to locate potential referees – a uniform API would be great COinS (ContextObject in Spans) – embed metadata in page – uses PRISM Facets in search results (and citing articles – sort of)
In the works Personalization Community building New web publication Multiple roles for users interacting with APS Large number of referees, authors, readers, members (good amount of overlap) “Where do I live?” Portals for bringing together multiple data sources Community building New web publication
Other stuff Most (something) Second Life (Unphysical Review?) Tagged, emailed, blogged, searched, etc. Things based on readers clear intention that something is important are better metrics than just downloads Second Life (Unphysical Review?)
Identifying researchers Interested in developing a system of identifying individual researchers Many roles (author, referee, APS member, reader, etc.) Managing of author lists of collaborations Competing needs of authors vs. readers Building services that rely on authentication and authorization requires a trusted network of id providers
New Website Launch during 2008 Highlighting the best research for the broad community (finding the needles in the haystack) Viewpoints (expert written commentary on articles) Trends (expert written overviews of a topical area)