EUBREWNET A European Brewer Network COST Action no. ES1207 Objectives


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Presentation transcript:

EUBREWNET A European Brewer Network COST Action no. ES1207 Objectives Earth System Science and Environmental Management (ESSEM) Participating countries AT, BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EL, ES, FI, HU, IT, NL, NO, PL, PT, SK, SE, TR, UK 2013  2017 Objectives To establish a European network of Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometers. To identify and review needs and gaps for the optimisation and harmonization of Brewer data products To review, further develop and apply standard operating, data processing and archiving procedures. To review, further develop and apply standard calibration protocols and characterisation methods. To review, further develop and apply quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures; Main Achievements ESA support for the Regional Brewer Calibration Centre – Europe (RBCC-E). ESA support for a new, near real time database to include ozone, spectral UV and aerosol optical depth in the UV. Wider global collaboration including USA and Canada.. Working Group 1 Standard modifications to instrument operations and algorithms to correct for individual instrument characteristics. A standard set of calibration procedures. Protocols for the application of calibration data. Working Group 2 To critically review measurement algorithms, choice of absorption cross sections, inclusion of temperature profiles and other physical constants used in the physical retrieval models. To develop optimised operating and data processing methodologies incorporating the outcomes of WG 1. To evaluate the potential for and the means of applying the harmonised data processing developments to historical data of ozone and AOD-UV. Working Group 3 To assess and resolve potential problems with the implementation of standard characterisation, calibration, operating and data processing procedures across all European Brewer stations. To formulate data version control and quality assurance based on level of applied processing etc, retro-application of calibration constants, changes to physical constants etc. To develop strategies for network management and future development of the network in line with changes in scientific and social priorities. Working Group 4 EUBREWNET website hosted by RBCC-E. A set of data file formats for end users incorporating improvements to and compatibility with WOUDC, EUVDB, etc. Data exchange interface. A living strategy document with recommendations for the sustainability and upgrading of the network in coherence with international programs (WMO, GMES, NASA). Contact details Chair of the Action Dr John Rimmer Project Officer University of Manchester, UK Dr Deniz Karaca Science Officer Earth System Science and Environmental Management COST Office Website Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometer Network across Europe and near neighbours