Becoming a teacher educator in South Africa
To train a small group of master trainers to deliver an Edexcel qualification (level 4) ◦ PTLLS plus assessor award Worked with Pearsons, OLG (private training organisation) OLG Rustenburg College Rustenburg College
OLG chose the 6 master trainers the College sent three heads of department to “provide context” 2*2week blocks to deliver and assess the master trainers – 2 months between them ◦ Visit from an EV during the second block
2 * 1 week blocks to deliver and assess at Rustenburg college 30 lecturers in range of subjects Supported by material created from our sessions and in-country sourced documentation by a writer working for Pearsons Change of role for the team from trainer to coach
9 trainers ◦ 3 were engineering heads of department at the College: Dorothy, Lucky and Zac ◦ 2 worked for OLG full-time: Rochelle (project manager) and Lucas (maths) ◦ 4 were independent: Sipho (HR consultant) Trevor (accountancy) Lance (social science) Benjamin (can’t remember)
Political context Multilingual and tribal The South African vocational education system Resource issues Transferability of principles and practices
Laughter Working together Learning that the challenges and the rewards were the same Learning about a different system and seeing more clearly the strengths and weaknesses of our own
Brilliant! This course has taught me to: ◦ Differentiate learners ◦ How to make a teaching and learning session interesting and memorable ◦ Place more emphasis on good formative assessment ◦ The importance of ice breaking in making the environment conducive to learning When I return to teaching I want to give the learners a platform to explore other things than their academic side
Sustainability ◦ Only 2 trainers stuck with it to the end Contract by private partner ◦ We ‘heard’ about the lack of remuneration ◦ Lack of clarity from the start about logistics But also had we motivated and prepared them well enough for their new role?
Helen Colley et al, “Learning as Becoming” “Teaching and learning are primarily social and cultural rather than individual and technical activities” (p472) VET curricula tend to emphasise “acquisition of skills” and be outcome focussed Creation of new identity is not considered Other literature – individual is “absorbed” into culture and practices in the workplace
Lave and Wenger – learning as participation – social participation is key and enables newcomers to learn from experienced practitioners This process enables individuals to “become” a plumber, beauty therapist etc Vocational Departments in FE colleges have specific cultures and behaviours – do these replicate those in their allied work environments?
Question asked by research: ◦ What makes learners feel they are suitable for particular jobs? Question for the project ◦ Were teachers/trainers picked who were ‘ready for’ or “suitable for” transition to teacher trainer What criteria would you use?
Question asked by research How does their sense of identity change? Question for the project Did we promote this change? What signs should we have been looking for? How could we have enabled them to rehearse before putting into action the
Co-construction of teaching and learning ◦ create an icebreaker, deliver it, evaluate ◦ Present how you will apply…. Similar to VET “vocational learning is actively co-constructed by teachers and students, determined in part by the dominant structures of thought that prevail in particular employment structures” What would these be for PCET?
Dorothy, Zak and Lucky (3 Heads of Dept from the College) did not see themselves as teacher trainers initially ◦ It became an aspiration for 2 out of 3 of them All 3 participated in the first week of training but struggled to do the second One OLG trainer, Lucas, did both weeks but still defined himself as a maths teacher; did not develop at that point the necessary confidence (or skills) Rochelle had a baby Ben did the first week, but not the second and avoided marking – he remained elusive therefore Sipho and Lance disappeared but Martin in touch with Lance on facebook… Trevor has “become” a teacher educator – see feedback
Always be involved in selection process and be clear about criteria Ask to see contracts of staff involved if the project required on-going commitment Work out the logistics from the start Always work in pairs at the start Check feedback if they are assessing Teach to the end goal, not the syllabus
May God Almighty bless and grow you guys older and more smarter.