STUDY AREA AND DATA USED STORY MAP ON JOURNEY TOWARDS THE HIMALAYAS INTRODUCTION Story maps are interactive maps combined with text and other content to tell a story about the world. Typically story maps are designed for non-technical audiences; thus, story maps include all the elements required to tell a story: web maps text, and multimedia content.IT bring the power of geography and spatial analysis to large audiences. They can serve not only the general public, but also within communities and organizations . My journey started from western side of the country and following many transport trails I reached my destination north eastern part covering 2000 km. My journey was concentrated on the mountaineering, the toughest trek all across India. It was not only hectic but was physical tough and mentality one needs to be prepare for this to reach a height of 16500 ft. Here I have tried to compile my Mountaineering Experience in to story map because images speaks louder Then words OBJECTIVES Study how to Create story map To study how web services use to create different application Explore ArcGIS Online To study and create web application To Create simple and effective Story map To represent my journey in different then traditional way HMI Base camp Between the journey Sherpas STUDY AREA AND DATA USED METHODOLOGY India is whole study area i can include because journey from Ahmedabad starts at point of Nowhere to know about what kind of course ,place ,atmosphere and peoples over there. As said for INDIA diversity is the unity of this country ,where every state has its own tradition here in our journey I have covered more than 8 states . Which directly leads my thoughts in direction of can spread the power of geography and GIS with effective communicator like ArcGIS . . S. No. Data Used Source 1 Latitude and Longitude Google Earth 2 Map Box , Open Street View Mapbox_Studio 3 Images SELF Main objective is to create simple and effective story map which covers whole mountaineering journey ,here methodology is as simple with effective output RESULTS WEB APPLICATION Story Map Web application shows with different features and analysis option using ArcGIS online and geodatabase ,here Web-based applications use any platform, object model, and programming language , A service is a collection of operations accessible through an application-programming interface that allows users to invoke a service, which could be a response to a simple request to create a map and different analysis and functionality here using the ArcGIS tool web app builder we can create application and also we can publish we can be accessible for all the platform like Mobile,Desktop, Tab Link : Here output shows that images speaks louder than words and putting it in sequence is also gives best ways to describe it in visible manner . Not only the images but the places with geographical property is also visible which make easy to link both .Now this Story map is not just enough to describe my journey but its very important to know that an feeling that u get by doing any adventure is never gone explain in words LINK : Story Map cover page ArcGIS Tool for web application development SP Stadium Tiger Hill Application with layer property Web application *I am extremely thankful to Dr. Anjana Vyas, Faculty of Technology ,Mtech.Geomatics for their continuous guidance and support. CONCLUSION Story maps are a new medium. Working in a new medium has its challenges tools and techniques, Geography-based storytelling can provide new insights, Including a greater appreciation of causes and context, and a deeper understanding of interrelationships and effects. Well-told story maps will educate, inform, and inspire your colleagues, customers, and constituents. Story maps represent a new capability of GIS, expanding its traditional use for planning, analysis, and decision support and making its products accessible to much broader audiences Faculty of Technology,Mtech. Geomatics CEPT University, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad Student Name: Abhishek Acharya Code:PT200214