Starter of the day Book 1 Page 2 Write down the responses to the following questions. Leave space at the bottom for your exit ticket. What kind of book binding did we do last time? What other ways have you seen a book bound? When can you ask to use the restroom?
Printmaking Day 3 Suminagashi & ink
Agenda Go over what we did last time. Presentation on how to use suminagashi to decorate paper Demonstrate on how use ink to write and draw. Make samples of suminagashi
Last time We turned in our disclosure statements We assembled our sketchbooks and labeled them. If you were not here last time you will need to sign up for a study hall or stop by after school to get your books done.
Procedures for whole group instruction Conversation – voice level 0 Help – raise hand and wait quietly Activity – teacher directed instruction Movement – remain in your seat at all times Participation – active listening, taking notes, share, and respond when asked to. Success
Electronic device signal During this time electronic Devices are prohibited. This means cell phones should be put away Headphones should be out and down (not even around you neck). Eyes should be on the teacher not looking down unless to take a note about something.
Page 3 Book 1 List the steps on page 3 book 1 Try to leave space at the bottom of the page to put an example of your Suminagashi test print.
Step 1 Fill contain with one inch of water.
Step 2 Put one to two droplets of paint onto your plastic container for dipping your brush.
Step 3 Alternate with two brushes between colors dipping into the paint than going back and forth touching the top of the water.
Step 4 Place a piece of paper on top of the water just for one second than lift up to reveal paper marbling. Let dry
Studio Time 15 Min. You will have 15 min. for your group to make each one suminagashi test print. Work together to change out water, clean brushes, clean container, and prepare fresh ink each time. Once done they should all be on the drying rack
Writing or Drawing with ink
Studio Time Write your name using thick and thin lines of ink Draw an image of your choosing using thick and thin lines of ink
Exit Pass On page 2 under where you put your starter assignment answer the following question. How did you think today went? Did you enjoy the suminagashi & ink art? Explain.