Matt Harrington Leslie O’Brien October 18, 2011
Need for a quantitative tool to analyze cost and use data for electronic serials Databases + E-journals 90% E-journals up 9% from 07/08 Print budget halved in 3 years 2010 online serials usage: 2,106,913
4224 Subs (4060 Titles): 70% of e-journal budget (based on 08/09 exp) 50% total e-journal usage (based on 2009 JR1 reports) 18% of total e-journal titles (based on 08/09 ARL stats) Total Cost/Sub rose 7.45%
BUD (the Big Ugly Database) Labor intensive Large and unwieldy Limited functionality Serials Solutions’ 360 Counter Left burden of data clean-up to the library Costly for its purpose Limited functionality
Tables, Queries and Relationships
Holdings Bibliographic Info. Order Records Resource Records Access Providers
Platform/Access Provider Print ISSN/Online ISSN Concatenation: ISSN-L/ACCS PRVDR CODE
SCode1: Code used to denote current subscriptions
Not just Cost/Use by subscription but also: Use by ISSN Use by Platform Use by Subject Cost/Title by Subject Cost/Use by Subject
Averages, Medians, and Totals
4224 Subscriptions (4060 titles) met the criteria: Orders were cataloged as e-journal orders Currently received Non-consortial JR1 usage reports were available
Change Total Cost/Sub$551.93$569.46$ % Total Use/Sub % Median Use/Sub % Total Cost/Use$2.57$2.54$ % Average Sub Cost/Use$23.96$19.06$ % Median Sub Cost/Use$4.19$3.98$ %
data (5 or more titles per subject, 111 subjects)
Packages, Subjects and Titles
Titles moved to the JSTOR Platform 2011 Price increased for 2011 Number of titles increased for 2011 Analyzed the 2011 stats for the 2012 renewal 2010 stats were complicated because of the platform change, but JSTOR created the JR1b 2011 stats were gathered for the Jan.-Aug. period
The database could already: Provide Cost, Use and Cost/Use for Provide LC subjects and impact factors for each title Additional work: 2011 JR1 for January-August (modified calculations) Query A was limited by platform and 2011 use added Query was exported to Excel for additional calculations Summary data (totals, averages and medians by year) Differences calculated from 2009 to 2011 as percentages
Calculations Cost/Use analysis (4060 Titles) Annual Cost/Use analysis (4060 Titles) Chicago study (28-49 Titles) Total Cost3.66%7.45%18.35% Total Use3.04%6.16%12.42% Total Cost/Sub3.66%7.45%-32.37% Total Use/Sub3.04%6.16%-11.95% Total Cost/Use0.62%1.22%-7.49% Median Cost/Use-4.26%-8.35%-19.01%
Three of the peaks in the Average Cost/Use include less than 5 titles (HJ, KF, PM) There are an average of 45 titles in each of these subjects with a median of 39
Matt Harrington, Leslie O’Brien Virginia Tech