GM HR Haryana Circle
Periodical Review *C.O Pending– Finance wing-18, Civil-1, CMTS-1 Periodical Review to be done for the Year 2017-As on 14.12.2017 SSA No. of Employees Identified No. of Employees Reviewed To be Reviewed % Completion AB 425 391 34 92% FBD 231 200 31 87% GRG 135 126 9 93% HSR 260 213 47 82% JIND 82 59 23 72% KRL 329 304 25 RWR 92 84 8 91% RTK 250 238 12 95% SPT 79 72 7 C.O 130 110 20 85% TOTAL 2013 1797 216 90% *C.O Pending– Finance wing-18, Civil-1, CMTS-1 Pending with SSAs-Civil-10, Electrical-06 Till date No Report is received from Finance wing C.O. Ambala for periodical review of Finance wing staff of Haryana Circle [85 cases pending].
Age wise RTI Pendency as on 14.12.2017 S.No. Name of CPIO Total Pending Requests Pending for < 10 days Pending Between 10 -20 days Pending Between 21 -30 days Pending for >30 days 1 Karnal 2 Civil Wing 3 Electrical Wing 4 Sonepat 5 Hisar 14 6 Rohtak 7 Circle Office 8 Jind 12
Age wise Appeal(s) Pendency Report as on 14.12.2017 S.No. Name of FAA Total Pending Appeal(s) Pending for < 10 days Pending Between 10 -20 days Pending Between 21 -30 days Pending for >30 days 1 FAA Faridabad 2 FAA Rohtak 3 FAA Rewari 4 FAA Jind 5 FAA Sonepat 6 FAA Civil
Transfer of Application If the person makes application to the public authority for information and the information is scattered with more than one other public authority, then the CPIO should inform the applicant to make separate application to concerned public authorities for obtaining information from them. DOPT Letter No. 1/32/2013-IR dated 28.11.2013
RECRUITMENT DIRECT RECRUITMENT of JUNIOR ENGINEER (TTA) 160 Successful Candidates allotted to HARYANA CIRCLE. Out of 160 candidates, 139 have joined as JE Batch for remaining Nine (9) candidates will going to commence shortly. Requirement of balance candidates (12) have been sent to BSNL HQ on 08.12.2017 for operating the 3rd Waiting list.
RECRUITMENT LICE FOR JTO (50% quota) for vacancies 2015-16 (Held on 11.12.2016). Against 44 vacancies, 41 qualified candidates have been deputed for Phase-I Induction Training w.e.f 26-12-2017 at RTTC Rajpura and 3 candidates to be deputed for Training at Jabalpur w.e.f 08.01.2018 Two Court Cases are pending in this regard in Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh.
RECRUITMENT Information regarding filling of post reserved for PWD’s. Information desired by BSNL CO in the cadre of TM and JE in the prescribed format uploaded on Intranethr on 27-11-2017 followed by reminder dated 14-12-2017 is not yet received except Jind & Ambala SSAs.
SSA wise status of Pending APAR i.r.o. Haryana Circle Employees in ERP Name of SSA Appeal pending with Applellate Authority Appeal pending with Reviewer Pendind with Initiator Pending with Initiator for Disclosure Pending with Reporting officer Pending with Reviewing officer Total C.O 1 4 11 AB 3 2 5 FBD 7 GRG 6 HSR 13 JD KRL 9 16 RWR RTK SPT 21 15 12 69
SSA wise revision of Pension Cases (78.2%) i.r.o. Haryana Circle S.No. Name of SSA SSA Wise Pending Cases 1 Ambala Nil 2 Hisar 3 Faridabad 4 Rohtak 5 Jind 6 Sonepat 7 Karnal 8 Rewari 9 Gurgaon
Compassionate Ground Appointment Cases Circle High Power Committee met on dated 13.11.2017 to consider the Cases of Compasionate Ground Appointment in respect of Haryana circle and letter was sent to BSNL HQ New Delhi for concurrence.
Status of Apprentice trainees engaged by SSA’s. Circle: Haryana Registration Detail Vacancy matrix created on No. of candidates registered Trade allotted Training starts on Remarks if any Unit/SSA Reg No. Date of reg. Territorial Ambala E09160600730 07.09.2016 23.09.2016(seats-19) 34 Telecom 11 Candidates joined training. Faridabad E09160600723 03.09.2016 26.09.2016(seats-08) 13 Work in process Hisar E08160600712 09.09.2016 14.09.2016(seats-10) 64 10 Candidates Joined Karnal E09160600728 06.09.2016 21.09.2016(seats-11) 22 14 candidates joined Rohtak E09160600724 05.09.2016 10 Jind E08160600711 29.08.2016 16.09.2016(seats-03) 18 Rewari E09160600727 21.09.2016(seats-03) 05 Sonepat E08160600708 26.08.2016 26.09.2016(seats-03) 03 Gurgaon E08160600707 23.08.2016 24.09.2016(seats-6) 07 2 candidates joined
Revenue by field units:Course commencing date from April,2017 to November ,2017 S.No SSA Target Given Total Trainees Target Achieved in Rs. 1 Ambala 20 Lacs 14 72,690 2 Faridabad 23 1,11,550 3 Gurgaon 15 Lacs 5 20,700 4 Hisar 25 Lacs 22 1,29,950 Jind 08 Lacs 26,000 6 Rewari 46,000 7 Rohtak 22 Lacs 27 1,29,000 8 Karnal 11 62,460 9 Sonepat 1,00880 10 CTTC Kurukshetra 17 Lacs 90,000 TOTAL 1.6 Cr. 198 7,89,230
Updation of Court Cases Detail on Legal ERP Module Unique Case Key must be generated for each court case from e-Legal Module and important fields such as Hearing Date, Next Hearing date, Outcome of Hearing, Interim Judgment if any etc. must be filled/updated time to time. Following target for effective monitoring of Legal Cases:- Phase-I SLP in Supreme Court/C.P Cases by 31-12-2017 Phase-II High Court Cases by 31-01-2018 Phase-III Other Court Cases/CAT/IDAT by 28-02-2018
WELFARE FUND ACCOUNT 2016-17 Submission of Welfare fund receipt and payment account for the finance year 2016-17 along with photocopy of passbook showing the closing balances on 31.03.2017. Letter No. WLF/4-4/HR/V/112 dated 06.12.2017 uploaded on intranethr