To present a paper method (technology) how to present it stage fright…? 2013-11-05 Presentations/JG
Technology orally whiteboard slides using a computer projector A good idea is to sometimes mix media Presentations/JG
Slides Consider: not too many slides per minute not too much text and graphics on each page large and easily readable text avoid mixed fonts use short sentences or keywords. Presentations/JG
Software The standard for a while has been PowerPoint If you use LaTeX, you can generate pdf-pages with pdfLaTeX and show with Acrobat Reader in full page format Using ppower4, you can add extra features to your pdf-slides Yet an alternative is Flash, Keynote (Mac) and Prezi (zooming presentations) Presentations/JG
Computer projector Advantages: simple way to generate professional looking pages can change up to last minute, even during the talk animated pages sound mix ”usual” slides with web pages, graphics generated from programs, movies etc. Presentations/JG
Computer projector Dangers: do not fall into the "PowerPoint-trap" - a lot of whirling symbols, animated text etc avoid many colours that overload the page the method must be subordinated to the message! Presentations/JG
Presentation Tell them what you are going to tell them. Tell them. Then tell them what you told them. Ian Parberry Presentations/JG
The purpose To awake interest To make people read the paper later Not to go through the paper! Presentations/JG
Presentation start from the listeners! figure out what they want to know select the important parts of your paper be prepared to skip parts of it you may present it in another way or order compared to the paper. Presentations/JG
A few don’ts Don't impress with hairy theory. avoid a lot of technical details. use a motivating running example instead. Don't present more material than you have to Don't hide the problems with your method. Presentations/JG
The news bill method (löpsedelstekniken) Presentation News bills (the message) Contents Background and introduction Related work The main part Summary Thank you. Any questions? Presentations/JG
Example talk 1 (own result) Put on a slide with title and name(s). Make yourself ready (slides, microphone, clock). Have the opening sentence well memorized. Present yourself. Present the message. Define the problem. Show an example demonstrating the problem. Presentations/JG
Example talk 1 (cont.) Prior work on the subject. Summarize your contribution. Present your results. 1--2 technical slides with your method. Conclusions Open problems ”Thank you. Any questions?” Presentations/JG
Example talk 2 (overview paper) Put on a slide with title and name(s). Make yourself ready (slides, microphone, clock). Have the opening sentence well memorized. Present yourself. Present the message. Define the problem. Show an example demonstrating the problem. Presentations/JG
Example talk 2 (cont.) Others work on the subject (main part) Approach 1 Approach 2 … Conclusions Open problems ”Thank you. Any questions?” Presentations/JG
Important tips Have a supporting material Speak clearly Speak to the persons at the last row… Turn to the audience Use the comment field for slides (e.g. in PowerPoint) Master the technology Prepare answers to questions Practice before (alone and with audience)! Presentations/JG
Timing Give practice talks to time your presentation. Never ever run over! Put a ”check time” paper in your stack of slides. Plan to leave some slides out. The chairman will warn you before – and then break when the time is up… Presentations/JG
Questions and Answer session Three types of questions: The self-admirer ”Bla, bla, bla… I know much about this…” Compliment the guy, then move on. The attacker ”Your work is boring/irrelevant/wrong/old!” Be polite and ask to continue afterwards. Genuine interest Try to answer... Don't be afraid to say ”I don't know” when you don't! Presentations/JG
Stage fright…? some nervousness OK => you are sharp be well prepared training gives skill. Presentations/JG