Grade descriptors, Criteria, Learning Outcomes & Briefs Assessment & Feedback Grade descriptors, Criteria, Learning Outcomes & Briefs Bring grade descriptors for all, the brief and the Unit information for half and ask for these back for the next session
Aims of the session To introduce assessment & feedback in creative higher education To engage students in the process of assessment (in order to encourage engagement with the criteria & learning outcomes of each Unit in the future) Use the peer assessment of the PDP to demonstrate the relationship between the grading descriptors, the criteria, the learning outcomes, the brief and the assessment work
What is assessment? “To assess" derives from the Latin verb "assidere", to sit by. Hence, in "assessment of learning" we "sit with the learner", and that implies that it is something that we do with and for our students rather than to them. Centre for Teaching Excellence
What is assessment? Assess verb. Evaluate or estimate the nature, value or quality of something Oxford Dictionary
How do we assess your work? Grade descriptors – indicate what the work should be like at a certain level, at a certain grade Criteria & Learning Outcomes – indicate what specifically we are looking for Brief – the brief should enable you to attain the criteria
Grade descriptors You have a copy of these in front of you… Each stage is characterised by certain words 40-49= adequate D grade 3rd class honours or 3rd 50-59 = sound C grade lower 2nd class honours or 2:2 60-69 = strong B grade higher 2nd class honours or 2:1 70-79 = excellent A grade first class honours or 1st Most of your marks will fall in these bands.
What is feedback? Feedback noun 1 information given in response to a product, performance etc., used as a basis for improvement. 2 the modification or control of a process or system by its results or effects. Oxford Dictionary
Methods of giving feedback to you From staff, fellow students and, in year two, yourself! Verbal (every day) Verbal in tutorial (to sit with) Written at the end of a Unit On turnitin on your written work in detail How else would be useful?
The real purpose of assessment and feedback Is to help you know how to improve your work To teach you how to assess your work yourself for when you leave
Criteria Knowledge of: The relationship between the body, voice and imagination and of potential ethical issues LO1, LO2, LO3 Understanding through: The uses of acting practices for live and recorded situations LO1, LO2 Application of technical and professional skills and working standards: For stage and moving image production Sight reading skills, Group work, Health & Safety LO3, L04
Learning Outcomes are… LO1 Reflect on the way the body, voice and imagination inter-relate. (Acclaim, VLOG, duologues, solo performance. ) LO2 Develop a range of acting skills for stage and screen and demonstrate knowledge of ethical and H&S issues. (PDP and duologues, solo performance) LO3 Sight read a script or screenplay independently and in a group and reflect on personal development. (SIGHT READING) LO4 Undertake the recording, editing and play back of live material for documentary and research purposes. (VLOG, Shakespeare recording)
The brief You have this in front of you. The word count is a minimum. Think about how you related to this. How many times did you read it? Did you attend the sessions where each area was discussed? How closely did your partner stick to the guidelines? Does presentation matter? Does spelling and grammar matter? Does structure matter? The “learning styles” and group formation work is NOT explicitly in the LO or the criteria (except under “professional skills”) – why did I include it?
Task Thinking about the grading descriptor, the criteria, the LO and the brief please read and grade your partner’s work. You have 20 minutes in silence. Write three or four sentences stating the main strengths and the weaknesses. Use the words from the grade descriptor that match the mark you have given
Well done. This is what staff do when they assess your work. Please reflect on this task. What have you learned?
Some hand in rules Registry and turnitin by 4pm Submission versus deadline (false deadlines) Late work is not accepted If you have “mitigating circumstances” you have to submit a form before the deadline. If you believe that your performance in assessment is being negatively affected by exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, including illness warranting a medical certificate, you should bring such matters to the attention of the Campus Registry Office on the Mitigating Circumstances Form, in advance of the submission deadline, unless the nature of the circumstances prevents you from doing so (e.g. sudden hospitalization).
Evidence is needed Death certificate/interim death certificate or other evidence (e.g. order of service); Medical / health certificate (with relevant date to the assessment); Letter of support / explanation from a support service in the University where you are already receiving ongoing support, e.g. Student Counsellors; Letter of support / explanation from third party medical or other professional; Letter from Learning Support Manager to evidence a disadvantage to student learning (e.g. if the requirement for occasional extensions forms part of your Learning Support Agreement. It should be noted that being disabled or having a specific learning difference is NOT in itself a reason for requiring an extension).
Plagiarism – Academic Misconduct Turnitin is a plagiarism check Check all internet material AND everything that is submitted It stops you stealing other people’s work! See example What happens if you are caught?
Quality procedures 1st assessor – usually a team of people 2nd assessor/ internal verification – must see a large sample. Sees all fails and 1sts. Helpd moderate between the team. External Examiner – must see a large sample of some Units Board of studies
Aims of the session To introduce assessment & feedback in creative higher education To engage students in the process of assessment (in order to encourage engagement with the criteria & learning outcomes of each Unit in the future) Use the peer assessment of the PDP to demonstrate the relationship between the grading descriptors, the criteria, the learning outcomes, the brief and the assessment work