Agenda Welcome Norms of Collaboration New Processes New Media Specialists How will YOU change the world? Norms of Collaboration New Processes BOY/EOY/Monthly Reports Media Specialist Notebook Handbook Special guest, Jim Boone, Capstone LUNCH Media Keys Evaluation Tool Formative/Summative Evaluation RCK12 Curriculum Literacy Initiative Marzano’s Strategy for Vocabulary ACES Writing Strategy Wrapping things up Budgets Destiny Review the agenda Lunch will be around 11:30 for 1 hour
Today’s Learning Targets I can complete all BOY/EOY/Monthly Reports. I can develop a Media Plan to satisfy the Media Keys Effectiveness System. I can access the RCK12 Curriculum. I can identify and implement the 5 components of the RCK12 Literacy Initiative. Ask the participants to identify their PERSONAL LEANRING GOALS for Today and write in their handout, page 2 Also remember Learning Targets are listed in the handout on page 2
REFLECTION Take a few minutes to think about the following question: Why did you decide to become a Media Specialist? Remind the group to answer the question in their handout, page 2.
How Will YOU Change the World? THEME Our theme for this school year… How Will YOU Change the World? Use the information in the WORDLE to transition to our theme this year – How will YOU Change the world?
Setting Our Group Norms During our time together, we need a safe and open climate in which we can: Think deeply about important ideas Work and talk together to build shared understandings Consider varied points of view Rethink our beliefs and practices So, in our professional learning community, we need to agree to… Choose 3 BIG IDEAS that are important to YOU from the 7 Norms of Collaboration We need our work to be productive during our collaborative planning session so let’s look at what research says about productive groups and the norms that are important in those groups.
7 Norms of Collaboration Choose YOUR TOP 3 Pausing Paraphrasing Probing for Specificity Putting Ideas on the Table and Pulling Them Off Paying Attention to Self and Others Presuming Positive Intentions Pursuing a Balance Between Advocacy and Inquiry Adapted from: Garmston, R., and Wellman, B. (2009) The Adaptive School: A Sourcebook for Developing Collaborative Groups, 2nd edition. Norwood, MA: Christopher Gordon.
Reflecting on Our Learning Today Important Moments Share your thoughts throughout the day and collaborate with others #RCK12ChangetheWorld
Reports BOY Reports EOY Reports Media Specialist Notebook (OneNote) Monthly Reports Handbook
RCK12 Literacy Initiative Remember to continue Sharing your thoughts and collaborating with others #RCK12ChangetheWorld
Media Keys Effectiveness System Performance Standard 1: Instructional Leadership Performance Standard 2: Instructional Partnership Performance Standard 3: Role of Reading Performance Standard 4: Information and Technology Literacy Performance Standard 5: Effective Practices for Research Performance Standard 6: Program Planning and Administration Performance Standard 7: Positive Learning Environment Performance Standard 8: Collection Development Performance Standard 9: Professionalism Performance Standard 10: Communication
What is literacy? Literacy is the ability to read, write, listen, speak clearly and think critically using print and digital materials across all disciplines. Literacy involves a continuum of learning, enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in their community and wider society. There are many different kinds of literacy. As you can see from the graphic above there are many types of literacy. Discuss the types and talk about the definition.
RCK12 Literacy Initiative Components Read Alouds Word Work /Vocabulary Independent Reading Guided Reading Writing The 2016-2017 RCSS Literacy Plan included working with words ranging from phonics and in elementary to school to vocabulary acquisition in upper elementary, middle, and high.
Writing Instruction Students engage in meaningful activities addressing the process of writing by using authentic experiences that teach students how to focus on a variety of audiences and write for many purposes. RCK12 Curriculum Writing Strategy for Constructed Response Answer Cite Explain Summarize
Planning for Student Writing/Constructed Response Another concern teachers have shared this year is difficulty getting students to complete constructed response questions. We are going to have our K-12 students use the ACES strategy this year to help students go from a blank sheet to paragraph responses. Have participants log onto ACES and review the website. The next slide shows the teacher resources and the strategy. The instructor should preview this website before the training. The teaching tools and ACES Worksheets are both very helpful. Practice Activity Select the Research tab and read through the research article. Practice using the ACES strategy to answer this question: Why is it important to use a strategy for teaching writing? Participants should think about their grade level or course and see the ACES structure for students in that grade level or course. Some participants may ask if we are transitioning from RACE. The choice is really the teacher but the instructor should point out that ACES moves beyond a one paragraph short constructed response to multiple paragraphs and increases the rigor.
Word Work/Vocabulary Students engage in explicit instruction of sounds, their spellings, word origins and vocabulary. A variety of systematic phonics instruction and vocabulary strategies are accessible to enable students to make the connection between decoding, word recognition, reading, and spelling. RCK12 Curriculum Vocabulary Strategy Marzano’s Six Steps for Vocabulary Instruction
Influences on Achievement .40 .30 .15 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.0 REVERSE Developmental Effects Typical Teacher ZONE OF DESIRED EFFECTS So we talked about using Marzano’s research when we select Instructional Strategies, another research John Hattie (like Marzano on steroids) developed this graphic to help us understand effect size. We want to look closely when a strategy has an effect size greater than .40. One strategy that has an effect size of .67 is using a Structured Vocabulary Program consistently. As a district we want to teach vocabulary in a structured way. VOCABULARY PROGRAM – Effect Size .67
Marzano’s Six Steps for Vocabulary Instruction We will be using this structured strategy K-12 - Marzano’s six steps for teaching vocabulary. This graphic is listed in the handout on p. 11.
Vocabulary Planning Explore the Vocabulary a Student will be Experiencing during the first weeks of school? Create a Vocabulary Report using Rubicon Reports, Multiple Category Scope and Sequence Choose your grade level and subject, Select your Course Select Key Vocabulary, View Report Create a Vocabulary Report to Show All the Courses in the Grade Level What are some ways YOU can support their learning? Have participants create the vocabulary report in Rubicon.
Vocabulary Practice Practice activity Follow the six steps of Marzano’s Vocabulary Instruction and teach your partner the new word you selected. Now It’s Your Turn The participants will use the word they selected from the vocabulary section of Rubicon. Instructors should monitor the time
Vocabulary Through Read Alouds Did you know? Discuss the pieces of the read aloud process
Read Alouds Students engage in teacher facilitated Read Alouds to think critically about texts, articulate and support ideas about concepts shared in books, build comprehension of fiction and non-fiction text, and hear models of fluent reading. Teacher read-alouds help students “gain the knowledge and language skill that will enable good comprehension later on. Reading aloud increases background knowledge, builds vocabulary, and familiarizes students with the language in books.” —Hall & Moats, 2000, p. 33
Effective Read-Aloud Sessions Schedule no more than 10 minutes to read each day Use a variety of grouping formats including one-on-one, small groups, and whole class Select different genres of books Set the purpose for listening Activate and build background knowledge Teach new words and concepts Think about how you could include a read aloud in your content area. Here are some keys to include in your read aloud session.
Guided Reading Students engage in instruction with leveled text as part of teacher facilitated small group instruction using “just right” books.
Independent Reading Students engaging in daily reading in- school and at-home in their Lexile stretch band to practice reading, build stamina, and read for enjoyment. RCK12 Curriculum Expectation Know your students’ Lexile Levels Use Lexile Levels to plan for Differentiation
Reminders… All teachers MUST teach the RCK12 Curriculum Standards RCK12 Curriculum Map/Pacing Buffer weeks are designed for specialized instruction based on unit post-test results and to administer the pre-test for the next unit Unit pre and post testing – use RCK12 assessments or school developed assessments Use Lexile Levels to Differentiate Instruction What type of feedback are you providing for your students throughout the Unit?
Wrapping Things Up Destiny is in a new place. (If you place www before the address IT WILL NOT WORK. Budgets will be available soon. They will be placed in your Budgets section. Training on easyPurchace will be held during the September MS meeting.
Today’s Learning Targets I can create a Class Syllabus/Welcome Letter for 2016-17. I can develop an effective plan for teaching. I can utilize Marzano’s Instructional Strategies and 6 Steps for Vocabulary Instruction, and the ACES Writing Strategy. I can differentiate my teaching to address Lexile levels of my students. I can identify and implement the 5 components of the RCK12 Literacy Initiative.
Feedback on Your Learning Please take a few minutes to provide feedback on your learning today. Looking forward to the 2016-17 School Year… How Will YOU Change the World?