Children’s Neighbourhoods Challenges or Opportunities?


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Presentation transcript:

Children’s Neighbourhoods Challenges or Opportunities?

Health and education perspectives We ….understand from living in the West of Scotland that poor social conditions are associated with and lead to poor health. As a doctor in the Royal Infirmary, however I never once wrote a death certificate that said the cause of death was living in a horrible house or unemployment……. Observing this link in the East End of Glasgow was what started me off on a journey that leads me to conclude, that the way in which we nurture children, the way in which we bring children into the world, and the way in which we look after them in the first years of life is absolutely critical to the creation of physical, mental and social health. Harry Burns, Chief Medical Officer, 10th Kilbrandon Lecture, University of Glasgow

Health and education In the 1950s a trend begins – the already existing gap between the richest and poorest 20% of males - life expectancy widens Why the 1950s? – the end of shipbuilding – in the 1960s the decline of the locomotive industry, the steelworks, leading to unemployment Developing link between hopelessness and health

“Let me right at the outset define what I mean by alienation “Let me right at the outset define what I mean by alienation. It is the cry of men who feel themselves the victims of blind economic forces beyond their control. It’s the frustration of ordinary people excluded from the processes of decision making. The feeling of despair and hopelessness that pervades people who feel with justification that they have no real say in shaping or determining their own destinies.” Jimmy Reid, trades union activist, Rector of the University of Glasgow, Inauguration address, 1972

Our context Around 30% of Scotland’s 15% most deprived data zones are in Glasgow. Over 27,000 school-aged children and young people live in the 10% most deprived postcodes. The largest proportion of looked after children - around 23% of Scotland’s looked after children and young people. Around 17% of school population (and growing) have English as an additional language. Many of our families face significant barriers – domestic abuse, alcohol and drug addiction, poverty, etc.

One Class P6/7 – 24 pupils Comprehension difficulties Death of mother recently Father dead Communication difficulties Drug abuse Difficult relationship with mum; EAL; comprehension difficulties Adopted Drugs? Poor attendance Parents split Assault on Brother - Nightmares Formerly Language Unit EAL; Death of sister Drug abuse; mother rehab (SW) 16. Physical assault by mother –now with gran (SW) 17. Alcohol abuse; attempted suicide by mum (SW) 18. Comprehension difficulties 19. EAL 20. Domestic violence – poor attendance 21. Formerly Language Unit 22. ? 23. ? 24. ?

Priorities Raising attainment and achievement through Glasgow’s Improvement Challenge 2015-2020; Continue to improve how we meet the learning and care needs of children before they go to school and as they progress through school, including how we support their families; As we move Towards a Nurturing City, continue to improve how we meet the needs of children and young people, particularly with additional support needs; and Continue to make best use of finance and resources

Glasgow’s Improvement Challenge 2015-2020 Raising attainment in literacy and numeracy, embedded within our nurturing city; Improving children’s health and wellbeing through nurturing approaches and increased participation in physical activity and sport; Supporting families to be better able to support their child’s learning and development; Enhancing the leadership of staff at all levels; and Raising attainment in secondary schools through providing additional supported study and mentoring with a continued focus on improving learning and teaching.

Towards a Nurturing City Nurture in nurseries, primary and secondary Enhanced nurture to support those with social and emotional needs A nurturing city has schools in which: all children and young people, and their families, feel that they belong and that their lives and experiences are valued and respected. all children and young people, and their families, feel that staff listen to their views and that, if disagreements arise, staff respond sensitively and thoughtfully and work to resolve them

Exclusions 74% reduction in the last ten years 140 permanent exclusions to 2 or 3 in last ten years Analysis – overall, by month, number of children affected by exclusion, number of times excluded – tell the story of the child Wellbeing plans, positive behaviour plans, working with third sector with families, TEACCH approach Really impressive range of approaches However, … more to do – always placing child at the centre of decision-making TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication related handicapped CHildren) is an evidence-based service, training, and research program for individuals of all ages and skill levels with autism spectrum disorders. ... At the core of TEACCH is the idea of structured teaching.

Journey of Improvement 1 + Higher 2007 2017 National 39% 59.7% Glasgow 28% 53.5% 5 + Highers 2007 2017 National 10% 19.4% Glasgow 5% 12.9%

Drivers for Improvement – not all about exams Sport – Commonwealth Games legacy Young people as leaders in their own communities Improved health and wellbeing Twitter - @maureen0207 Outdoor learning and play International education – celebrating diversity and mother tongue Placing children at the heart of everything we do Relentless focus on learning and teaching Intolerant of anything that results in a weak outcome for children and young people

It’s not rocket science but … Performance in across the city is still inconsistent Data from primary schools needs closer analysis Are all partners facing in the same direction? Do we all share a common purpose? Do we always place children at the centre of our decision making?

Challenges or opportunities? Yes we are working in challenging times, but …