BU 102YB: Advanced Business Documents Objective 3.01: Unbound Reports Title Pages, Table of Contents Pages, MLA Style Research Reports, & Works Cited Pages 3.01 Research Rpt. and TOC
Unbound Reports Formatting UNBOUND REPORTS An UNBOUND REPORT is typically a short report for a business prepared without covers. It may be held together with a paper clip or staple. Formatting UNBOUND REPORTS Margins: 1” (sides and bottom and top) *First page enter 4 times to have a 2” top margin on first page only. Title: Center the title of the report in all caps. Quadruple Space (QS) after title before beginning body of report. Body: Double Space (DS) body of report. Indent paragraphs. Side Headings: Key at left margin (no tabs), underline and key in initial caps. Page Numbers: Do not number first page of report. Number all pages after first page in heading right aligned. 3.01 Research Rpt. and TOC
Unbound Reports Example Margins: 1” (sides and bottom and top) *First page 2” top margin Title: Center the title of the report in all caps. Quadruple Space (QS) after title before beginning body of report. Body: (DS) Indent paragraphs. Side Headings: underline and key in initial caps. Page Numbers: Number all pages after first page in heading right aligned.
Research Report (MLA Style): Components (in order) Components of a Research Report: Title Page (Slides 3-4) Table of Contents Page (Slides 5-6) Report (Slides 7-13) Works Cited / Notes Pages (Slides 13-15)
A Title Page is the first page of a Research Report (bound report). Title pages should be vertically and horizontally centered on the page. Margins: Top 2” – Bottom/Left/Right 1” Font: Times New Roman – Size 12 Title: all CAPS and centered on the line. Writer’s Name: Enter 12 times, Initial Caps, centered School Name / Class: Double Space below Report Author’s Name, Initial Caps, centered Current Date: Enter 12 times (after School Name) key complete date (spell out date turning report in), center
Title Page Example Title of Report (all Caps) Writer’s Name & Class/School Name Current Date (Spelled out)
Table of Contents (TOC) A Table of Contents is: used to accompany a report, document, or manuscript to list the topics and sub-topics in the order in which they occur. TOC is the second page of a report (after the title page) Components & Formatting (in order that should appear on page) *font: Times New Roman size 12 – unless otherwise noted. Table of Contents (title) – initial caps / centered / bold List of topics and subtopics (left aligned, initial cap ) respective page numbers (right aligned, leading tab) Subtopics should be tabbed once under main content area Footer: Page number - in Roman Numeral style at the bottom of the page (I)
Table of Contents (TOC) Example Title of Report (initial caps) QS 2 inch top margin 1 inch BM/LM/RM Left align headings Tab sub headings Right align page numbers (leading tab)
Research Report (MLA style) What is a Research Report? It is a multi-page document that usually contains several sub-topics of information related to one main topic. MLA Style Formatting: Set the page margins to one inch Set the line spacing to double space (spacing O pt before and after line) Create a header with your last name and automatic page numbering (right aligned) Title Page and Table Contents should be included with printed report. Type the works cited page. (separate document – 2 inch top margin) Remove the hypertext from the Internet references
Research Report(MLA Style): Header: A Header is placed on every page of the report. Formatting the Header right aligned Includes: writer’s last name and page number (one line only) *Use Headers default font style and size
Research Report (MLA Style): the Report Title The Title of a report is required. The Title includes the identifying information and is keyed in the top left margin of the Report. How to Format: Identifying Information: Writer’ Name (DS) / Teacher’s Name (DS) / Course Name (DS) Aligned to left margin (block style) (DS) between entries Title of Report: Centered / Initial Cap/ (DS) above Report’s first paragraph. *DS – Double Space
Research Report(MLA Style): BoDY The Body of the Report is the content (the paragraphs). Formatting Paragraphs: Indented Style (Tab at beginning of paragraphs) Double Space lines Font Style: Times New Roman / Size: 12 *Use either italics or underlining for the titles of longer works and only when absolutely necessary, providing emphasis.
Research Report(MLA Style): Parenthetical citations Parenthetical citations are reference notes keyed in the body of the report. How to format Parenthetical citations: Keyed immediately following a quote or referenced source in the body of a report. Includes the author’s name and page number as in this example (Lowery 45) May be the title of the work if not author is listed (“Alternative Transportation” 89 ) The complete reference is keyed in the works cited section of the report.
Research Report(MLA Style): FootNotes / Endnotes Endnotes/Footnotes: Endnotes and Footnotes are another type of reference format used in reports, but recommended for use only when necessary to add commentary or to clarify. Indicated by a superscript within the report body (see formatting) Endnotes are typically used to add commentary Footnotes (note that appear at the bottom of the page of the body of the report) should be keyed in single space, first line indent format with a double space separating each additional footnote. References are used to cite a source When endnotes/footnotes are used, they must be referenced separately on a notes page. Formatting Footnotes / endnotes: Footnotes/endnotes (font Arial 10) References tab – change to MLA – Insert Footnote
Report Example
Research Report (MLA Style) Works cited Page A Works Cited is: a complete listing of references cited parenthetically in the Report it is keyed on a separate page (last page of report) Includes same header as report (last name page #) 2 inch top margin / 1 inch left/right/bottom margins Label the page Works Cited and center the title at the top 2 inch margin of the page / QS Key references in the hanging indent paragraph format style. List reference in alphabetical order by author’s last name.
Research Report (MLA Style) notes Pages a complete list of resources and references used to accompany endnotes it is keyed on a separate page
Works Cited Page Example keyed on a separate page (last page of report) Includes same header as report (last name page #) 2 inch top margin / 1 inch left/right/bottom margins Label the page Works Cited and center the title at the top 2 inch margin of the page. Key references in the hanging indent paragraph format style. List reference in alphabetical order by author’s last name.