Enhancing VIAF with WorldCat 2013 May Thomas Hickey OCLC Chief Scientist
Current relationship WorldCat source of some bibliographic data We use OCLC’s cover art service Link to WorldCat Identities About a third of the sources come from WorldCat
Vision Expand and enrich VIAF using information from WorldCat Keep the relationship at ‘arms length’ Continue to support non-WorldCat sources of authority and bibliographic records Make some WorldCat derivatives public Try to avoid interfering with current VIAF functionality
What can WorldCat offer? We are starting to create authorities based on WorldCat Multilingual Bibs Work/Expression records WorldCat Identities has many names not in VIAF
WorldCat Identities Could it be just an end-user view of VIAF? Do we need such a view? How much Identities information do we want in VIAF?
WorldCat Identities Possibilities Titles Coauthors Publication history Works about New names Genres Class #’s Roles Related names Subjects Metrics
What do you think?