Planning for Creative Writing
Starter List everything you can feel, see, hear, taste, smell and touch now. 3 min
Planning: which one are you? "I worry about it for a while, put it off, spend time thinking about ways of not doing it at all..or trying to find someone else to do it........." "I like to get straight down to it, using my computer to type it all out..I quickly scan through it, cut and paste some bits and then send it off before i can change my mind!!...." "Write it all down and then hand it in. Proofread it?...Maybe...“ “ “I organize pretty well thanks because I do such things as…” 5 min POST ITS IN HAT DO NOT WRITE NAME IN GROUPS LOOK AT ANSEWRS EXPLORE BEST AND worst APPROACHES OWN UP TO OWNERSHIP. Laugh
Learning Outcomes To find at least one way to plan a story or blog is a good skill to develop because… Creating ideas and plans for creative writing, by evaluating and applying different ways to plan, is a good thing to be able to do because… Complete these sentences as best you can. 5 min Organises your thoughts; gives paragraphs; lets you check you have all the information you need.
Where could you use this skill in the future? To write a letter to a potential employer asking for work A menu for a restaurant Advertising a business Others? First plenary 5 min In groups poster 5 min share feedback 2nd Plenary Guide to planning successfully..... Organize your ideas If you have plan you can then sequence paragraphs into the order you want to use them Watch the video: 2nd Plenary
Failure to plan… What process do you go through when you have to plan a story or blog - especially if you have never written before?
Guide to planning successfully. "Get it out"...not 'Get it right' .... Dump your mind Mind map Brainstorm Bullet point Post-it-notes - just words, not sentences Sort your ideas Start organising the 'dump words' into groups 2 min Group to post it on A3
An example of planning: In your groups list as many different items associated with a good story. 5 minutes to ‘dump your mind’ 5 minutes to sort them into order of most important to least important. Comment briefly on your reasons. Next, look at the cards I will give you: have you thought of the same things as I have? Now sort them into order of most important to least’ Feedback to other groups. What do we consider important and why? 15 min 2nd Plenary coffee…each person in group put on A3
The Y Factor: a simple technique… Reads easily Characters My Story Ask yourself why do I like this person? Come up with some key ideas first. Makes sense
Y Y Y The Y Factor: add more detail… My story Make it read well Original Characters Y Y My story Vary sentence types Use accurate punctuation Invent characters readers would care about. Y A good plot Keep the reader turning the page..
Reflection Time Using the skills you have observed and tried, firstly create a ‘Mind dump" Secondly create a "Y Factorgram" Finally start to write your plan of your first CA ( Film still/ horror story) Swap and pair assess; will the plan work or not? Why? Share in group; Ideas to borrow? Things to avoid? 10 min
Plenary: what have you learned? Objective: Outcome: 5 min