An Attempt to Grasp the Ungraspable CURRICULUM An Attempt to Grasp the Ungraspable
Objectives: Explore a variety of ways of looking at Curriculum—through the definitions Analyze some of the curriculum views to better understand how curriculum decisions matter
What is Curriculum for you? A set of learning materials? Learning experiences provided by the school? A set of performance objectives for learning? A sequence of courses in a program?
What is Curriculum for you? All that goes on in the school—classroom learning, extra-curricular activities, relationships? That which is planned by the school for learning? The content?
Surprise, Gaius Julius Caesar! The race track of the 1st century BC—means more than that now Curriculum, a widely used term today, comes from the concept of this track
Origin of the Word Curriculum Latin root word—currere=to run on a racecourse Educational use—series of subjects to be passed—course of study (the original meaning) Other evolving meanings
Defining Curriculum is . . . Like describing an elephant. . . by the Blindmen of Indostan!
Curriculum is . . . Ungraspable Like nailing jell-o on a wall
According Experts, Curriculum is . . . Plan for the education of learners--Mcdonald Systematic program of studies--Phenix Planned learning experiences--Tyler All experiences learners had under the auspices of the school--Doll Written plan for action--Beauchamp
According Experts, Curriculum is . . . Set of planned and guided learning experiences for the learners’ continuous and willful growth--Tanner & Tanner A plan for learning--Taba Permanent studies—grammar, reading . . . mathematics . . .--Hutchins
Four Groups of Definitions (Seem to Work for Now) Curriculum as subject matter Curriculum as a plan Curriculum as experiences Curriculum as outcomes
Your teacher’s definition: Curriculum is an academic plan meant for the holistic development of the learners of any level. Prema Gaikwad
What is your definition of curriculum?
Curriculum is better understood when seen in a continuum Ideal Formal Instructional Operational Experiential Ideal = What curriculum experts believe curriculum should be Formal= What formal groups and committees plan for schools Instructional = What teachers plan for students Operational = What is seen in the class by an expert observer Experiential = What students actually experience in the class
Curriculum types . . . Recommended Written Supported Taught Tested Learned Core
Pairs of Curriculum Dejure and De facto curricula Outer and Inner curricula Null and Hidden curricula Formal and informal curricula Others?