Abnormal Psychology
What does “abnormal” mean? Strictly speaking, it simply means “not normal.” So, uh, what does “normal” mean? Normal: Behavior displayed by most people most of the time. Conclusion? We’re all abnormal!
So, if we’re all abnormal, does that mean we’re all “mentally ill?” Psychologists are careful with their words. Don’ts: ill, sick, deranged, crazy, insane. “Insane:” not criminally liable (a LEGAL definition). These words imply that disorders are permanent and impossible to understand. Dos: disordered, abnormal. When does abnormal behavior require treatment? When it… Negatively impacts your life. Becomes a dominant aspect of your personality. Causes harm to yourself or others. Appears in the DSM-IV.
Mental disorders: Causes? Once upon a time, abnormal folks were thought of as having been… Overpowered by demons. Possessed by Satan. Bitten by vampires. Etc. Later, abnormalities were connected to astrology. “Lunatic.” PMDD Freud thought they stemmed from our subconscious conflicts.
Mental disorders: Causes? For most of these disorders, we don’t really know what the causes are. “Nature” advocates claim most mental disorders are genetic. “Nurture” folks say most disorders are triggered by major life events. Evidence exists both ways. It’s tough to predict who’ll develop mental disorders and who won’t. Different types of disorders probably have different causes.