Jay Bhatt Drexel University Libraries Research and Data Management using figshare Metadata Mixer: Metadata Research Center Jay Bhatt Drexel University Libraries
Introduction – Interdisciplinary Research New research initiatives being developed in institutions, universities and organizations Drexel no exception Multidisciplinary Fields: Nanoscience, Advanced Materials, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Green Infrastructure, Plasma Medicine, Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Translational Research and many more More research being done and more expected Lots of research ouput Data---data--data Managing research data critical Archive, Preserve, Access and Retrieve Web 2.0 tools are effective ways to share, generate and distribute knowledge among researchers – shared communication Stephen Abrams thinks that Web 2.0 is “about a much higher level of interactivity and deeper user experiences…” Potential for more academic and research based collaborations
Research and Data Management Research output at Drexel Funding agencies requirements Funded research from NSF, NIH and DoE, etc. to be made publicly available after 12 months Managing digital objects for discovery and reuse Understanding needs to build expertise in preservation, archiving, curating, metadata, instruction, and consultation. Discovering Digital objects created by researchers worldwide
iDEA – Drexel’s E-Repository
Research Data Repositories - Where to begin? https://www.library.drexel.edu/news-and-events/news/libraries-news/2016/March/research-data-repositories-where-begin/ The Libraries' evolving Research Data Management support helps Drexel faculty, staff and students to address these challenges at different points in the research life cycle. Number of repositories now available and are indexed in Re3Data.org – Registry of Research Data Repositories Will explore figshare today figshare is one of the portfolio companies of Digital Science.
Figshare Overview Web-based interface designed for academic research data management and research data dissemination. figshare is one of the portfolio companies of Digital Science. Created as a solution to keep research outputs in one tidy place Upload, share, cite and importantly discover various research outputs with the security Long term preservation of data possible. It enables the hosting of research data repositories. Improved dissemination and discoverability of all scholarly research and content. Strong believers in the power of open access to knowledge. Source: https://knowledge.figshare.com/articles/item/what-is-figshare
figshare Overview https://figshare.com/about figshare allows users to upload any file format to be previewed in the browser Research output, from posters and presentations to datasets and code, can be disseminated https://figshare.com/about https://figshare.com/features https://www.digital-science.com/products/ https://www.digital-science.com/products/figshare/
Interdisciplinary focus
How figshare works? http://figshare.com Create account Sharing Research Output Click on ‘My data’, ‘Create new item’ and ‘add new items’. You can drag and drop files. Source: https://knowledge.figshare.com/articles/item/how-is-my-data-stored-is-it-secure
What Can I upload and share through figshare? Anything academic. All your research output that you want to share. The current 'types' are figures, datasets, media (including video), code, papers (including pre-prints), a thesis, posters, presentations and filesets (groups of files). A list of the supported file types can be found here. When you publish on figshare your data is stamped with a DOI. https://knowledge.figshare.com/articles/item/how-can-figshare-help-my-research
How to cite? Cite All research made publicly available of figshare gets allocated a DataCite DOI at point of publication. This means that your research can be cited using traditional citation methods, no matter what form the research outputs come in. You can also export the citation to RefWorks, BibTeX, Endnote, DataCite, NLM, DC and RefMan. These are available in the side pane (to the right) of every page. Source: https://knowledge.figshare.com/articles/item/how-to-share-cite-or-embed-my-data
DoI - research products searchable, discoverable, and citable By creating a public portal and assigning digital object identifiers (DOIs), figshare makes an organization’s research products searchable, discoverable, and citable, and their impact and attention is captured through statistical reporting and altmetrics. https://www.digital-science.com/blog/news/university-sheffield-launches-orda-custom-portal-manage-research-data-powered-figshare/ There is a free version of Figshare at figshare.com. The free version has some limitations. The two main ones are upload size limit (5Gb vs 5Tb with subscription) and private storage space (20Gb vs 100TB that can be assigned as needed). More details are here: https://figshare.com/features
Repositories – Size Limits- Nature https://www. nature
Figshare – free account info https://figshare.com/features
Difference between ‘Projects’ and ‘Collections’ https://figshare
How to share, and cite data in figshare Underneath your public data (next to the Download button) you'll see: Share, Cite and Embed. Share You can share via Facebook, Twitter and more all from the public page of your data.
Examples of publishers, society and institutional repositories through figshare American Chemical Society data repository https://acs.figshare.com/ Carnegie Mellon University data repository https://kilthub.figshare.com/ ChemRxiv data repository https://chemrxiv.figshare.com/ Geological Society of London data repository https://geolsoc.figshare.com/ Monash University data repository https://monash.figshare.com/ ORCID data repository https://orcid.figshare.com/ The Optical Society data repository https://osapublishing.figshare.com/ Taylor & Francis Group data repository https://tandf.figshare.com/ The University of Adelaide data repository https://adelaide.figshare.com/ Wiley data repository https://wiley.figshare.com/
Figshare search
Where is figshare indexed? OpenDOAR – Directory of Open Access Repositories http://www.opendoar.org/ Search for repositories | List of repositories Simmons – Open Access Directory http://oad.simmons.edu/oadwiki/Data_repositories Data Citation Index on the Web of Science http://wokinfo.com/products_tools/multidisciplinary/dci/ Re3data.org Registry of Research Data Repositories https://www.re3data.org/
Thank you! Jay Bhatt Liaison Librarian for Engineering Drexel University Libraries bhattjj@drexel.edu 215-897-1873