03/22 03/23 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/28 03/29 03/30 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 8:30-9:00 Naval-Majadas 9:00-10:00 Welcome and introductions Post-processing SPECCHIO Matlab/R [AH] FIELD ACTIVITIES [all] G1 BRDF G2 FS (ground) G3FS (trees) G4 UAV G3 BRDF G4 FS (ground) G1 FS (trees) G2 UAV Processing (SPECCHIO/Matlab/R) tutorial [AH] Photosynthesis modelling and stress detection Group work [all] Travel to Madrid. Dept time 10:00 10:00-11:00 Principle of field spectroscopy [AM/LA] Modelling Intro [ET] RT in the leaf: lecture and demo [CvT] Practical photosynth modelling Coffee break 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:30 Sampling in the spatial domain[KA] Sampling Design/ planning groups Biochem. [CvT] SCOPE model [ET, PY] 12:30-13:30 Interactive discussion [al] Site visit and H&S Risk assessment [all] LUNCH (Field) RT the leaf: practical [ET, PY] BRDF and BFDF and tutorial [CvT, ET, PY] Arrival to CCHS 13:30-15:00 LUNCH (Hotel) G2 BRDF G3 FS (ground) G4 FS (trees) G1 UAV FIELD ACTIVITIES G4 BRDF G1 FS (ground) G2 FS (trees) G3 UAV LUNCH (CCHS) 15:00-16:00 Intro to veg. reflectance and fluorescence [FF] Site visit Project planning [all] Radiative transfer in the canopy: lecture [CvT] SfM demo and tutorial [ET, LA] OPTIMISE Workshop 16:00-17:00 Fluorescence retrievals [LA] 17:00-17:30 Sampling Design and project planning in student groups Group milestone ppt (2 – 3) slides Majadas-Navalmoral Majadas- Navalmoral 17:30-18:30 Spectroscopy demo [LA, AM] Data download and SPECCHIO ingestions [AH,all] Data download and SPECCHIO ingestions [AH,ll] Radiative transfer in the canopy: exercises [ET, PY] Free time[all] 18:30-19:30 Students reg. Introduction to Science at “Las Majadas” Pilar Martín (CSIC) Arnaud Carrara (CEAM) 4 reports (ppt) Ground val. measurements for atmos. Corrections [MJ] Above-ground monitoring of main veg. in Ukraine [TK] 20:30-21:30 DINNER DINNER (Hotel) DINNER (hotel) 21.30-open Free time