Steering Committee Meeting 7. December 2007
Registered Participants Richard Stiles Jeroen Vries, de Kristine Vugule Elke Mertens Ellen Fetzer Simon Bell Martina Kremmel Barbara Birli
Agenda Introduction new colleague Martina Kremmel Antalya Follow-up: Minutes -- To Dos LN 2 outputs on Feedback e-learning Initiative Cost Meeting Venues & Themes, Representatives from LA ESF Workshop Urban Studies London 10.-12. Dec. EIASLA Web Site: Feedback Georeferencing Meeting in Vienna with Laszlo Kollanyi Working Groups on Image downloads – Creative Commons Deputy School Contact Persons Data security/Web site down-time Brussels Meeting and Workshop Bordeaux meeting, Change of date? !Do not forget to send your timesheets!
TO Dos Antalya minutes ECLAS - IFLA: What are the top-3 things that IFLA could do from the point of view of ECLAS? Send improved list to Diane Menzies, take up issues from „what IFLA needs from ECLAS“ Review Process ECLAS Conferences Working Group (Karsten/Ingrid) to set up guidelines for reviewing process BB to update Conference handbook)
TO Dos Antalya minutes ECLAS Conferences: Erich to send content manger software to Ingrid by the end of the week Barbara to send conference handbook to Francesca Benetton: Jeroen and Ingrid to go to Rome and meet Domenico Luciano, Jeroen to make an arrangement for a meeting
TO Dos Antalya minutes COST: All send suggestions for - research topics names for representatives directions in which the final document should go for structure for our approach Prepare briefing for representatives via Vitero
TO Dos Antalya minutes ESF Workshop Urban Studies Use documents for the implementation of ELC urban/periurban landscapes, coming from the cork meeting (where to be found?) Davorin report on architecture/ urban landscape research initiative, invitation to EULP Davorin to circulate info to all on this
TO Dos Antalya minutes Strategy Workshop 12.03 RS to write briefing paper Find new Working Groups Coordinators DB to call proposed persons, BB to inform on budget background
TO Dos Antalya minutes Outputs BB to clarify budget for staff costs Tuning: Develop new template in smaller group, Ellen to help with software, Invite key note speaker for Brussels? 2 surveys on accreditation & checklist plus discussion at Spring meeting.
TO Dos Antalya minutes Rare Knowledge Barbara, Kristine to get better input through better preparation for universities and students help in LV Neighbouring Disciplines Publication Richard, Simon, Ingrid, Elke to take care about this, get it started
LN 2 Outputs on
e-learning Initiative Feedback from session 30. November 2007 (Ellens foiles)
Cost – Meeting Venues & Themes 1. Steven Daniels (Cultural Geographer) Nottingham, Landscape Perceptions and Perspectives, 8. May 2008 2. Przemyslaw Urbanczyk/Richard Stiles (Archeologist/ Landscape Architect) in Cracow, Exploring new landscapes, 24 – 25 .April 2008 3. Mats Widgren (Human Geographer), Patterns of landscape management, Stockholm University 29-30 May 2008, 4. Almudena Orejas (Archaeologist) Imagining future perspectives for landscapes Madrid, 12-13 June 2008 Representatives from LE:NOTRE
BRIDGING METHODOLOGY GAPS, BUILDING INSTITUTIONAL BRIDGES London 10 BRIDGING METHODOLOGY GAPS, BUILDING INSTITUTIONAL BRIDGES London 10.-12. Dec Interfaces for improved SCH-SCSS Synergy and wider Cross-Committee Collaboration in Research into Affective Sciences – Media Studies – Urban Studies Discussion on Urban Science Task to RS to present briefly (max. 5 min.) current and recently completed research activities in the field of urban studies in your country or on an international level. Focus on: learning about new comparative approaches which also consider the cultural dimensions of urban environments and that require interdisciplinary collaborations: is it true that urban developers pay more attention to aesthetic and symbolic meaning of cities than urban research does? Against the overview of the state of the art thus obtained, the discussion of the expert group will aim at defining a number of emerging key research areas; the framework thus created will serve as text for further programme development. Representative Practitioner proposed by Martin Prominski: Hille von Seggern,
EIASLA European Institute of Advanced Studies in Landscape Architecture The concept is for a decentralised, research institution which operates above all as a virtual network with a small central ‘governing board’ and a series of 'knowledge communities' distributed across Europe; see: ( EIASLA is also seen as having the following key tasks Actively furthering an enhanced research culture within the discipline Defining and promoting common research agendas Developing and delivering joint research methods teaching and an accredited PhD Programme Carrying out joint research projects and programmes Liaising with European research funding agencies Maintaining a dialogue with practice and national organisations Seeking to build up interdisciplinary research programmes with other disciplines
Georeferencing Initiative
Working Groups on Draft web space for Working Groups
Brussels Workshop Wednesday 12th Welcome Event Thursday 13th Session 1 Steering Committee Meeting Session 2 Steering Committee Meeting Lunch 12.30 Registration Session 3 14.00 Welcome and Introduction Keynote Speaker Julia Gonzales? LN Tuning Presentation 15.30 Break Session 4 16.00 Workshops – Bologna Process (Tuning) Working Group Session 1
Brussels Workshop Friday 14th Session 5 9.00 Plenary Session eLearning: Keynote Salzburg Media Research Centre Guntram Geser? 10.30 Break Session 6 11.00 Plenary Session: Research into Teaching Lunch 12.30 Session 7 14.00 Working Group Session 2 – Bologna Process (Tuning) Working Groups 15.30 Break Session 8 16.00 Output Groups Workshop 1 – Project/Output Groups ECLAS Lifetime Achievement Award ?
Brussels Workshop Saturday 15th Session 9 Plenary session, Cities and Cultural Landscapes Session 10 Output Groups Workshop 2 Lunch Excursion Brussels Free evening or nice meal Sunday 15th Session 11 Output Groups Workshop 3 Session 12 Final plenary session, feedback from Output Groups Depart
Bordeaux meeting, Change of date? Agreed date in Antalya: 6.-9. July Change due to first holiday week in FR to:, 5th to 8th June or 26th to 29th June accommodation and the travel organisation problems expected by colleagues in Bordeaux Thursday to Sunday structure preferred Full support from University of Bordeaux Director