Welcome to Grade 3
Who am I? Tucson, Arizona Quito, Ecuador
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Differentiation Math English Science/Technology/Creative Show in multiple ways Teach the standard English Spelling Conferencing/questioning Science/Technology/Creative Tosca Killoran/Level 5 Learning Innovation Coaches
How can you help? Homework Ask your child what they have done at school with a specific question. Regularly check the blog (https://share.sis.org.cn/amusk1/) Sign up on the blog for automatic updates. Homework Assign homework equal to approximately 10 minutes per night per grade (grade 3 x 10 minutes = 30 minutes, grade 4 x 10 = 40 minutes, grade 5 x 10 = 50 minutes) allowing for the flexibility of time needed due to effort and ability
What should your child be bringing to school? Backpack Water bottle Healthy snack (not allowed: candy, soda, cookies, chocolate, etc.) PE kit (days 1, 2, 5 and 6), sweater, umbrella (if necessary) Lunch (if bringing home lunch)
Update Your SchoolBase Details Please leave me a note or email with your name, child’d name & desired email
How much sleep is enough?
Who to contact? Any questions for me, about 3C, contact: amusker@sis.org.cn If your child is going to be late, or if they are changing their going home (bus) arrangements, please e-mail: lchen@sis.org.cn (Secretary), btang@sis.org.cn (TA) , sgao@sis.org.cn (TA), ktian@sis.org.cn (TA), and CC me: amusker@sis.org.cn Music: ksheppard@sis.org.cn (Ms. Sheppard) Art: khobbs@sis.org.cn (Ms. Hobbs) PE: pbarwicki@sis.org.cn (Mr. Barwicki) Chinese: dking@sis.org.cn (Ms. King)