Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral Unit 1: Introduction to media processes and technical skills Assessor: Jane Parr Assessment & Grading Recording Sheet To achieve a Pass grade the learner must achieve all of the following criteria Student name: Skye Capper Assessment Criteria for PASS R= Referral, S = satisfactory, HS = High Standard, VHS = Very High Standard R S HS VHS Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral 1.1 Apply understanding of a range of processes to support media activities. X Your annotations show that you have some understanding of the technical requirements when using a DSLR camera. 1.2 Apply media processes and skills safely and appropriately. Your final outcomes do not meet the standard required to pass this criteria. You have only submitted one image for your final outcomes and therefore I cannot pass you until you submit an environmental portrait and an image depicting Sheffield suitable as for a magazine front cover. 2.1 Critically compare a range of communication methods used to convey meaning in creative media production. You have not shown in your annotations that you understand how images can be used to convey meaning in photojournalism. You have not completed the task which requires you to look at and compare newspaper front pages and how the images and headlines impact on the readers. You have not annotated the images you have chosen in your image research discussing composition and image content and how it communicates with the viewer. Has the student passed the Unit? Pass: Referral: Referral Actions: You need to include what is missing from your blog (see above comments) for 1.2 and 2.1 Date: 11th June 2014
Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral Unit 2: Introduction to design and research skills in creative media production Assessor: Shelina Mawani-Markin Assessment & Grading Recording Sheet To achieve a Pass grade the learner must achieve all of the following criteria; Student name: Skye Capper Assessment Criteria for PASS R= Referral, S = satisfactory, HS = High Standard, VHS = Very High Standard R S HS VHS Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral 1.1 Critically compare a range of research tools, methods and skills. x Re primary and secondary sources you should look at the powerpoint on research sources, and describe some of the sources that journalists specifically use to source information. Make what you are saying more relevant to journalism. Re Google, you could use the task we did in class where you used Google to research specific stories e.g. Love Island, Vegan diet, Korean missile crisis, etc. Your skills section is very brief! 2.1 Critically compare a range of primary and secondary research sources. x As above 3.1 Apply design and research tools, methods and skills to record and interpret information and develop ideas for creative production. X Incomplete research portfolio This work is still incomplete. 3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of design and research tools methods and skills. Cannot mark evaluation without seeing your research portfolio. Still referred as you have not developed your evaluation. Has the student passed the Unit? Pass: Referral: Referral Actions: Research portfolio Deadline Monday 4th December 2017 You have not met the referral deadline. You have not made an attempt at meeting the unit requirements. You MUST resubmit by Monday 18th December 2017. Date: 11th June 2014
Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral Unit 3: Introduction to professional practice in creative media production Assessor: Tracy Mitchell / Shelina Mawani-Markin Assessment & Grading Recording Sheet To achieve a Pass grade the learner must achieve all of the following criteria; Student name: Skye Capper Assessment Criteria for PASS R= Referral, S = satisfactory, HS = High Standard, VHS = Very High Standard R S HS VHS Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral 1.1 Locate, access and use information to support own development. x Not submitted Critically evaluate a range of working practices and methods. X In your analysis of your news story and your feature, you have not discussed how effectively you applied the rules of writing a news story. Your evaluation ends mid sentence, and is clearly not finished. Still referred. No attempt made to address issues. Shelina 2.1 Apply knowledge of working practices to support own development See feedback on your portfolio submissions on Wordpress Feature is not complete. No own caption 3.1 Organise self and work to meet deadlines and targets. You continually worked in a manner that enabled you to meet deadlines – an essential skill for a journalist. 3.2 . Demonstrate consideration and professionalism in working with others. You have shown a professionalism in conducting primary research (interviews and surveys) and news sourcing. Has the student passed the Unit? Pass: Referral: Referral Actions: See above Deadline: Monday 4th Dec 2017 No attempt made to meet referral deadline. Evaluation still not complete. MUST be submitted by Monday 18th December 2017. Date: 11th June 2014
Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral Unit 4 : Critical and Contextual awareness in Creative Media Production Assessor: Shelina Mawani-Markin Assessment & Grading Recording Sheet To achieve a Pass grade the learner must achieve all of the following criteria; AAA Student name: Skye Capper Assessment Criteria for PASS R= Referral, S = satisfactory, HS = High Standard, VHS = Very High Standard R S HS VHS Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral 1.1 Compare a range of critical perspectives that influence the analysis of creative media production activities. 1.2 Apply knowledge of critical perspectives that influence the analysis of creative media production activities. 1.3 Apply knowledge and understanding of critical perspectives to support own practice. 2.1 Critically compare a range of contexts within which creative media technology and production are situated. . 2.2 Apply an understanding of a range of contextual parameters to support own creative development. Has the student passed the Unit? Pass: Referral: Referral Actions: Date: 11th June 2014