Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral Unit 1: Introduction to media processes and technical skills Assessor: Jane Parr Assessment & Grading Recording Sheet To achieve a Pass grade the learner must achieve all of the following criteria Student name: Brianna baker Assessment Criteria for PASS R= Referral, S = satisfactory, HS = High Standard, VHS = Very High Standard R S HS VHS Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral 1.1 Apply understanding of a range of processes to support media activities. X Your annotations show that you have a very good understanding of the technical requirements when using a DSLR camera. 1.2 Apply media processes and skills safely and appropriately. You have applied your skills safely but you have not produced 3 final images which match the required final outcomes for this unit. 2.1 Critically compare a range of communication methods used to convey meaning in creative media production. Your annotations show that you have a good understanding of how images can be used to convey meaning in photojournalism. Has the student passed the Unit? Pass: Referral: Referral Actions: To pass this unit successfully you need to submit your 3 final images with captions and annotations as to why they are suitable for the specified subject content. Do they convey the message you are putting across? Date: 11th June 2014
Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral Unit 2: Introduction to design and research skills in creative media production Assessor: Shelina Mawani-Markin Assessment & Grading Recording Sheet To achieve a Pass grade the learner must achieve all of the following criteria; Student name: Brianna Baker Assessment Criteria for PASS R= Referral, S = satisfactory, HS = High Standard, VHS = Very High Standard R S HS VHS Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral 1.1 Critically compare a range of research tools, methods and skills. x Good introduction Brianna to the role of research in journalism. To develop this you could add more detail about the important of engaging your audience e.g. through social media and how research can be invaluable. As an extension activity you could do some research into demographics and ways in which media producers segment and categorise their audiences. In your assessment of Google as a research tool, you could talk more specifically about why for journalists specifically Google has advantages and disadvantages. You have illustrated your points about social media as a research tool with some excellently chosen examples. Excellent evaluation of primary and secondary sources in relation to journalism. Very good comparative analysis of the skills required by bloggers, print radio journalists and journalists. Your research plan reflects a good understanding of the purpose of primary and secondary research sources. 2.1 Critically compare a range of primary and secondary research sources. As above 3.1 Apply design and research tools, methods and skills to record and interpret information and develop ideas for creative production. Brianna, well done. You have conducted primary and secondary research for your interactive poster on vegan dining in Sheffield. I would like to have seen more links to sources of secondary information and perhaps more evidence of engaging with your audience in order to gather more detailed information. I understand you gathered personal views from facebook? You should have put in more evidence of the results from that activity. You could also have added technical research you conducted for the production of your interactive poster. 3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of design and research tools methods and skills. You have said that your primary research could have been more effective. You could suggest alternative methods for gathering primary research. How could you have gathered more qualitative data? With regard to your point about vegan fast food, you should have made reference to your target audience. Who was your target audience and, if they were young people, would that make gathering information on fast food more appropriate? Overall, more detailed evaluation was required. Well done. You have passed the unit! Has the student passed the Unit? Pass: Referral: Referral Actions: Date: 11th June 2014
Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral Unit 3: Introduction to professional practice in creative media production Assessor: Tracy Mitchell Assessment & Grading Recording Sheet To achieve a Pass grade the learner must achieve all of the following criteria; Student name: Brianna Baker Assessment Criteria for PASS R= Referral, S = satisfactory, HS = High Standard, VHS = Very High Standard R S HS VHS Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral 1.1 Locate, access and use information to support own development. x You have sourced stories, conducted interviews and researched a job role in the media industry to a high standard, well done. Critically evaluate a range of working practices and methods. 2.1 Apply knowledge of working practices to support own development See feedback on your portfolio submissions on Wordpress 3.1 Organise self and work to meet deadlines and targets. You continually worked in a manner that enabled you to meet deadlines – an essential skill for a journalist. 3.2 . Demonstrate consideration and professionalism in working with others. You have shown a professionalism in conducting primary research (interviews and surveys) and news sourcing. Has the student passed the Unit? Pass: Referral: Referral Actions: Date: 11th June 2014
Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral Unit 4 : Critical and Contextual awareness in Creative Media Production Assessor: Shelina Mawani-Markin Assessment & Grading Recording Sheet To achieve a Pass grade the learner must achieve all of the following criteria; AAA Student name: Brianna Baker Assessment Criteria for PASS R= Referral, S = satisfactory, HS = High Standard, VHS = Very High Standard R S HS VHS Summary of Evidence/Reason for Referral 1.1 Compare a range of critical perspectives that influence the analysis of creative media production activities. 1.2 Apply knowledge of critical perspectives that influence the analysis of creative media production activities. 1.3 Apply knowledge and understanding of critical perspectives to support own practice. 2.1 Critically compare a range of contexts within which creative media technology and production are situated. . 2.2 Apply an understanding of a range of contextual parameters to support own creative development. Has the student passed the Unit? Pass: Referral: Referral Actions: Date: 11th June 2014