Cardiovascular Fitness!!
Review! Involuntary Muscle! Cardio = Vascular = Arteries & Veins BPM Carotid Artery Zone! Radial Artery 140 - 180
Aerobic Anaerobic With oxygen Heartrate in Zone Uses large muscles You can do it for extended periods of time. Moderate intensity Can carry on a conversation Without oxygen Out of heartrate in Zone You can only do it for short periods of time. High intensity (All your effort) Cannot carry on a conversation
You Decide! Aerobic or Anaerobic
Rules of Exercise! Added Bonus! At least 3 to 5 times a week Exercise for at least 20 continuous minutes Must be in your target heartrate zone Must include a warm-up Must include a cool down Anaerobic and anaerobic components! Added Bonus!
Lance Armstrong or You! or Why? Lance’s heart is more efficient!