Background: National FFA Veterinary Science CDE Invitational 3 years Minimum 10 teams compete 1 team from each region 10 signatures
2/13/17 Invitational Info: 1/28/16 Oatland Island, Savannah Oatland Island Wildlife Center, Savannah Sr. Division only 18 teams 2/13/17 Oatland Island, Savannah Jr. and Sr. Division 23 teams
Invitational Info: 2/9/18 Jr. and Sr. Division Fort Valley State University Veterinary Science & Public Health Academic Department Jr. and Sr. Division 30 teams registered so far 14 Jr. 16 Sr. (deadline Friday)
Format: 4 members per team; all 4 scores count Jr. Division Written exam ID (Equipment and breeds) 2 handling/restraining practicums Sr. Division ID (Equipment, breeds, parasites) 2 clinical practicums
Top 2 individuals overall Top 2 teams overall Awards: Following contest: Top 2 individuals overall Top 2 teams overall
Format: Junior Senior Total = 150 individual Total = 200 individual Written Exam – 50 points Identification – 50 points Practicums – 50 points (25 pts. each) Total = 150 individual 600 team Senior Written Exam – 50 points Identification – 50 points Practicums – 100 points (25 pts. each) Total = 200 individual 800 team
Written Exam: 50 points 30 minutes 25 multiple choice questions Topics: Behavior Disease (causes and sources, signs and symptoms) Medical terminology Medical records Anatomy/physiology Regulations (OSHA, MSDS) Patient management Facility management Genetics Nutrition Husbandry
Written Exam References: Small Animal Care and Management. Warren. ISBN: 978-1-4180-4105-2 An Illustrated Guide to Veterinary Medical Terminology. Romich. ISBN: 978-1-4354-2012-0 Official Guide: Maintaining and Cleaning Surgical Instruments. Stow. Provided free of charge by the program or available online at Veterinary Science: Preparatory Training for the Veterinary Assistant. Faries. ISBN: 978-0-9849115-0-9. Order online: Introduction to Veterinary Science. Lawhead, Baker. ISBN: 978-1-4283-1225-8
Identification: 50 points 30 minutes 25 items Equipment Breeds/Species Parasites (Senior only)
Identification References: Veterinary Instruments and Equipment: A Pocket Guide. Sonsthagen. ISBN: 978-0323032032 American Kennel Club – Cat Fancier’s Association – American Rabbit Breeder’s Association:
Junior Practicums 2 handling/restraining practicums – 25 points each Participants are expected to perform the practicum based on scenario given and to talk through the steps with the judge. The judge may ask questions at the end of the practicum for clarification Rubrics are available for each practicum
Junior Practicums: 1. Removing a Cat from a Cage 2. Restraint of the Cat in Lateral Recumbency for Femoral Venipuncture 3. Applying a Cat Muzzle 4. Removing a Dog from a Floor Level Cage or Kennel 5. Restraint of the Dog in Sternal Recumbency 6. Applying a Nylon Dog Muzzle 7. Tying a Reefer’s Knot 8. Tying a Square Knot
Senior Handling/Restraining Practicums 1. Removing a Cat from a Cage and Placing in Cat Bag 2. Restraint of the Cat in Lateral Recumbency for Femoral Venipuncture 3. Applying a Cat Muzzle 4. Applying a Nylon Dog Muzzle 5. Applying a Gauze Dog Muzzle 6. Applying Elizabethan Collar 7. Restraint of the Small Dog in Lateral Recumbency 8. Haltering Ruminants 9. Haltering a Horse 10. Placing a Tail Tie
Clinical Procedure Practicums: 1. Administering an Intramuscular Injection 2. Administering a Subcutaneous Injection 3. Filling a Syringe for Injection 4. Opening a Surgery Pack 5. Surgical Site Preparation 6. Prescription Filling 7. Administering Aural Medication 8. Administering Ophthalmic Medication 9. Administering Oral Tablet/Capsule 10. Administering Topical Wound Treatment
Sample Scenario: Clinical Practicum #1: Subcutaneous Injection Dr. Jenkins instructs you to administer 0.5 ml of Adequan IM to a cat named Tiger. Please explain each step as you perform it.
Administering an Intramuscular Injection Criteria Points Possible Points Earned 1. The student selects the proper site for administration 5 2. The student directs the needle through the skin and into the muscle. 4. The student aspirates; if no blood is noted, inject. 5. The student withdraws the needle and places in the sharps container. 6. The student massages the area where the injection was given and praises the patient. TOTAL POINTS 25
Preparing!! Texas FFA Nebraska FFA Iowa FFA Washington FFA NAAE Communities of Practice
Quizlet: Look up ffa vet science cde Look up Chloe_lynch7 (vet science CDE folder) Vet Science CDE Vet Science CDE Written Exam Breed/Species Identification List Equipment and materials identification Clinical Procedures Practicum Handling and Restraining Practicums Veterinary Nursing
Kahoot: Prefix Quiz Suffix Quiz Veterinary Root Terms Dog Breeds ID Veterinary Equipment ID Safety/Sanitation/Animal Handling Etc, etc, etc! Look up: MyrShi63
Videos: PLOW website You Tube: University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Time to Practice the Practicums! Sample Junior and Senior Practicums are set up around the room. Each one has a scenario, a rubric, and the equipment/model to complete the scenario.