Earn while you learn in the Northwest Region Apprenticeship Earn while you learn in the Northwest Region
Christina Riley Construction Marketing Representative National LECET Christina Riley Construction Marketing Representative National LECET Working within the Northwest Region Contact directly at: Criley@LECET.org with any questions, or comments. *I did bring business cards! Please take one!* Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, and Nevada
Scopes and Skills of Construction Craft Laborers Building Construction- Concrete Placement and removal, Pipe Laying(outside of a structure), Hoisting & Rigging, Site preparation & Cleanup, Mason Tending, Carpenter Tending, Layout & Staking, Grade Checking, Trenching & Excavation, Demolition & Landscape. Heavy Highway to include- Concrete Cutting & Coring, Asphalt Raking, Trenching & Excavation, Drilling, Traffic Control, Tunneling & Shaft, and Railroad track instillation. General Laborer Skills- Tool and equipment recognition, preparation and maintenance, Safety training, and Environmental Remediation And more!
How it works for the Apprentice: On the job & Training Apprentice goes to Work Attends Training Earns wage increases gradually until becoming a Journeyman
Example: Washington State Northwest Laborers Training 0-999 OJT 60% of Journeyman Wage 1000-1999 OJT & 80 RSI 70% of Journeyman Wage 2000-2999 OJT & 160 RSI 80% of Journeyman Wage 3000-3999 OJT & 240 RSI 85% of Journeyman Wage 4000-4999 OJT & 320 RSI 90% of Journeyman Wage 5000-5999 OJT & 400 RSI 95% of Journeyman Wage 6000 OJT & 480 RSI Journeyman Certificate & Wage
Each training Fund is different Things to know: Each training Fund is different Mandatory Requirements Process for Entry Requirements of the Program Length of the Program Pay rate, wage progression and benefits Training school set up/ Facilities Size of Fund and need of apprentices Scopes of work performed
Apprentices need support to be successful Mentors are: Journeyman and others on the job Agents and instructors within the LiUNA organization Family, Friends, and TERO Apprenticeship is a single individuals sport, the success of an apprentice is based on their work ethic, ability to show up every day, and the determination to learn and work hard.
Do you need a contact in your area? Please send a formal request for a contact in your area to: Phone: (206) 728-1282 Toll Free: (866) 728- 1282 Email: info@nwlecet.org