University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Health Professions Campus Climate Assessment Project October 22, 2008
Assessing College Climate Why Assess Climate? What is the Process?
Why conduct a climate assessment? To foster a caring School community that provides leadership for constructive participation in a diverse, multicultural world. To open the doors wider for underrepresented groups is to create a welcoming environment. To improve the environment for working and learning in SHP.
Project Objectives Provide SHP with information, analysis, and recommendations as they relate to climate. This information will be used in conjunction with other data to provide SHP with an inclusive view of the school.
Projected Outcomes UAB School of Health Professions will add to their knowledge base with regard to how constituent groups currently feel about their particular school climate and how the community responds to them (e.g., pedagogy, curricular issues, professional development, inter-group/intra-group relations, respect issues). UAB School of Health Professions will use the results of the assessment to inform current/on-going work.
Setting the Context Examine the Research Review work already completed Preparation Readiness of SHP Assessment Examine the climate in SHP Follow-up Building on the successes and addressing the challenges
Research on Climate In Higher Education College campus climate not only affects creating knowledge, but also impacts members of academic community who, in turn, contribute to creating campus environment (Hurtado, 2003; Milem, Chang, & Antonio, 2005). Preserving climate that offers equal learning opportunities for all students and academic freedom for all faculty – an environment free from discrimination – is a primary responsibility of educational institutions.
Value of Campus Climate on Enhancing Learning Outcomes Numerous studies and publications have confirmed the pedagogical value of a diverse student body and faculty on enhancing learning outcomes. Selected research references include: Frank W. Hale, Jr. (2004). What Makes Racial Diversity Work in Higher Education, Diversity Digest, Sterling, VA: Stylus. Harper, S.R., & Quaye, S.J. (2004). Taking seriously the evidence regarding the effects of diversity on student learning in the college classroom: A call for faculty accountability. UrbanEd, 2(2), 43-47. Harper, S.R. & Hurtado, S. (2007). Nine themes in campus racial climates and implications for institutional transformation. New Directions for Student Services, 120, 7-24. Hurtado, S. (2003). Preparing college students for a diverse democracy: Final report to the U.S. Department of Education. Ann Arbor, MI: Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education.
Transformational Tapestry Model© Current Campus Climate Access Retention Research Scholarship Curriculum Pedagogy University Policies/Service Assessment Baseline Organizational Challenges Systems Analysis Local / Sate / Regional Environments Contextualized Campus Wide Assessment Advanced Organizational Challenges Consultant Recommendations Intergroup & Intragroup Relations External Relations Transformed Campus Climate Access Retention Research Scholarship Curriculum Pedagogy University Policies/Service Symbolic Actions Transformation via Intervention Educational Actions Fiscal Actions Administrative Actions Intergroup & Intragroup Relations External Relations © 2001
SHP Diversity Committee Goals To identify the diversity needs of the School. To create an environment of inclusiveness and respect among students, staff and faculty of the School, regardless of their race, color, creed, nationality, sexual orientation and gender, based on the needs identified. To increase the recruitment and retention of individuals of diverse backgrounds as part of our student and working force. To facilitate the implementation of UAB’s conclusive diversity initiatives and mandates.
Process to Date Phase I June 2008 Initial Proposal meeting with SHP Diversity Committee June – September 2008 Bi-monthly meetings with the Diversity Committee to develop the survey instrument August 2008 IRB application development
Process to Date Phase II October 2008 Survey development continued Development of Communication Plan IRB Proposal approval on October 6
Survey Instrument Instrument Sample = Population Quantitative questions and additional space for respondents to provide commentary On-line instrument Sample = Population All faculty/staff are invited to participate via an invitation letter from the Dean Confidentiality insured
Have You BeCome? Survey will go “live” on Monday October 27
Process Forward Phase III Data Analysis
Sample Demographic Profile to Create Chi-Square Table Comparing Demographics/Population & Sample UAB School of Health Professions Spring 2008 Faculty Male Female African American/ African/ American Indian/ Asian/Pacific Chicano(a)/ Middle White/ Black Caribbean Alaskan Native/ Islander Latino(a)/ Eastern Caucasian Hawaiian Native Hispanic Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Instructor Adjunct Faculty
Process Forward Phase IV Report
Sample Table of Contents Executive Summary Sample Demographics/Quantitative Findings/Qualitative Findings Methods Conceptual Framework Design of the Study Results Personal Experiences Perceptions of Climate Institutional Actions
Sample Table of Contents Next Steps References Appendices Appendix A – Comments Analysis Appendix B – Data Tables Appendix C – Survey Instrument
Process Forward Phase IV Reporting Back to the SHP Community
“Town Meetings” To report the results to the School community To assist in developing strategic initiatives
Questions..? Other Ideas..?
Next Steps…
Rankin & Associates, Consulting Susan R. Rankin, Principal 814-625-2780