Comprehensive & Customer focused Nicholas C. Bucciarelli, Ph.D Motorola Research Institute, Master Blackbelt Carnegie Mellon University, Senior Fellow, Adjunct Professor, College of Business Rochester Institute of Technology Our Approach Comprehensive & Customer focused
Academic Perspective What is Lean (Kaizen) from an Academic definition: ? Lean is the process of designing systems to reduce costs by eliminating product and/or process waste. The emphasis is on eliminating non-value added activities by focusing on the following: what your customers wants, where is the added value, and does the output of the product and/or process meet customer expectations.
Industry Perspective What is Lean (Kaizen) from an Industry definition: ? Lean is a systematic approach for ensuring that our customers receive exactly what they want; when they want it; with the minimum amount of materials, equipment, labor and space being consumed. By doing this, an organization continuously improves its efficiency and effectiveness. Lean results in increased competitiveness, improved business results, and most importantly, better value for our customers. Lean focuses on eliminating activities that absorb resources and time without creating value.
Complimentary application The goal of a Lean implementation from our perspective and experience is one that addresses an organization's immediate needs and examines the key value chains of an organization to ensure realized value from the customer standpoint….
Bottom Line – This is what distinguishes ourselves from others “ A product and/or service that is on-demand, defect-free, reproducible, continuously improved, leading edge, and at the lowest cost“
Lean Key Principles Six Sigma Malcolm Baldridge CMMI TQM SOX ISO
Training Strategy In support of your Business Strategies Commitment Organizational Awareness Special Forces Maintain
Course Specifics Tailored to your goals/objectives Senior Management / Leadership 3 Day Course / Classroom Instruction w/Exercises Greenbelt, 5 Day Training Course / Classroom Instruction Blackbelt 10 Day Workshop / Projects as identified by the customer Master Blackbelt 5 Day Workshop / Mentoring Blackbelts per projects assigned Introduction to Lean/Six Sigma 3 Day Course / Classroom Lecture --- Q&A Infrastructure Training, 10 Day Workshop & Setup…. Program Startup --- Identify Projects, Support Tools/Templates, IS/IT Technology, Measurements/Metrics --- Balance Scorecard
Infrastructure How we prepare and support our customers Training SME support Centralized Knowledge Management Repository Customer Forums Follow-up Reviews
Lean (Kaizen) Event Lean (Kaizen) Events are… AN INTENSE, FOCUSED ACTIVITY (3 - 5 DAYS) FULL TIME TEAMS EACH FOCUSED ON ONE TOPIC SPECIFIC TOOLS USED TO IDENTIFY/HIGHLIGHT WASTE MEASURABLE IMPROVEMENTS (Process / Product) REQUIRED DO IT! Architect Design and Develop a Value Map, Concurrent Engineering Approach – Iterative Process…
Lean Kaizen Cycle
Lean Kaizen – Key Concepts Value Stream Analysis is the process of flowcharting and understanding the interactions of processes/sub-processes/steps their work products, roles/responsibilities, and business rules. This process has been viewed and used in manufacturing as a planning tool for the purpose of eliminating waste and reducing production cycle times. Information Technology has adopted this same perspective but has also used this tool to focus IT engineers on: Product, process, project history data reuse, Product and process innovations not just inventions, Understanding/anticipating customer requirements so that value from the customer perspective can be understood and achieved, Establishing Quality Supply Chain Management Initiatives that are unique to Information Technology projects, Develop software tools that enhance the Value Stream Analysis process.
Value Stream Mapping Value Stream Analysis/Mapping answers the question what is value from a customer perspective (internal and external), Value should always be discussed from a customer perspective, Value Stream is all the activities that create Value Value Stream starts with raw materials, for example in the IT environment: Process, Skill Sets, Labs, Project Histories, Reuse of similar product components Customer Requirements Business and Technical Modeling Tools such a: Unified Modeling Language (UML), Rational Unified Process (RUP), ARIS, System Architect, Provision, etc., Modeling Methods such as Unified Modeling Language (UML) Value Stream ends with the end-customer Value Streams involve several business units and key Subject-Matter-Experts (SMEs)
Value Stream – Analysis Process
Strategic Knowledge Maps for leveraging lessons learned
Summary Industry Experience – Applied Knowledge, (over 25 years) Master Blackbelt –Motorola Research Institute Academic – Adjunct Professor, Senior Fellow at CMU MFG environments, Discrete, High-Volume, DoD, etc… Product Design and Development Methods – Taguchi Supporting Information Systems, ERP/SAP Applied Lean/Six Sigma to non-MFG areas successfully….