How to Write a DBQ Explain before starting that College Board changed the rubric from last year so it is not the exact same rubric they learned in world history. Also, they can take notes if they want but you should upload this to my website so they don’t feel the need to write down every word.
DBQ One DBQ on the exam from historical periods (units) 3-8 only 25% of your score on the AP exam Score out of 7 points total 60 minutes on the exam (15 to plan, 45 to write) You will only have 50 minutes in class (10 to plan, 40 to write) I understand the time limitations & will grade accordingly
Thesis Statement 1 point on the DBQ Thesis Statement: Take a position on the question asked. Address ALL parts of question. Outline your position with TWO-THREE reasons (depending on how many body paragraphs you have) Ex. The Articles of Confederation were ineffective in solving the problems confronted by a new nation because of reason A, reason B and reason C. When the reader is done reading your thesis statement, they should know exactly where your paper is going. Reason A=body paragraph 1, reason b=body paragraph 2, reason c=body paragraph 3. According to College Board, “To earn this point, the thesis must make a claim that responds to the prompt rather than restating or rephrasing the prompt. The thesis must consist of one or more sentences located in one place, either in the introduction or the conclusion”
Contextualization 1 point on the DBQ Include in your introduction before or after the thesis Describes a broader historical context relevant to the prompt. Be thorough, write several sentences. According to College Board, “To earn this point, the response must relate the topic of the prompt to broader historical events, developments, or processes that occur before, during, or continue after the time frame of the question. This point is not awarded for merely a phrase or reference.” Difference from World History rubric last year…contextualization can be BEFORE or AFTER the time frame of the question. You can describe events leading up to the timeframe of the question or describe what events the timeframe of the question led to. You can also include other events going on during the time period that are not related to the question.
Evidence from the Documents 2 points on the DBQ To earn one point, the response must accurately describe — rather than simply quote — the content from at least three of the documents. Also different from last year’s rubric- you can now earn one point for using THREE documents accurately-yay! To earn two points, the response must accurately describe — rather than simply quote — the content from at least six documents. In addition, the response must use the content of the documents to support an argument in response to the prompt. Harder to earn 2 points. Must use 6 documents and must use the documents to SUPPORT YOUR ARGUMENT stated in your thesis
Evidence Beyond the Documents 1 point on the DBQ Uses at least one additional piece of the specific historical evidence (beyond that found in the documents) relevant to an argument about the prompt. Evidence beyond the documents cannot be even referenced in the documents at all. To earn this point, the response must describe the evidence and must use more than a phrase or reference. This additional piece of evidence must be different from the evidence used to earn the point for contextualization. **Do this in a separate paragraph because you will not be awarded the point if it is mixed in with your analysis in any way** Include more than one piece of evidence just in case your evidence will not count
Analysis and Reasoning- HIPP for documents 1 point on the DBQ For at least three documents, explains how or why the document’s point of view, purpose, historical situation, and/or intended audience is relevant to an argument. (HIPP document analysis that you have been practicing) To earn this point, the response must explain how or why (rather than simply identifying) the document’s point of view, purpose, historical situation, or audience is relevant to an argument about the prompt for each of the three documents sourced. You cannot simply state the intended audience or point of view, but why it is important for your argument If time, do this for more than 3 documents in case you were inaccurate
Point of View Point of view is the easiest of the four to misinterpret Do not just state “The point of view of the author is that the Articles of Confederation is weak”- explain WHY that is his point of view- what is the author’s background? Include different aspects of CORNPEG: C-class O-occupation R-race N-nationality P-political affiliation E-ethnicity G-gender
Analysis and Reasoning 1 point on the DBQ Demonstrates a complex understanding of the historical development that is the focus of the prompt, using evidence to corroborate, qualify, or modify an argument that addresses the question A response may demonstrate a complex understanding in a variety of ways, such as: Explaining nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables Explaining both similarity and difference, or explaining both continuity and change, or explaining multiple causes, or explaining both cause and effect Explaining relevant and insightful connections within and across periods Confirming the validity of an argument by corroborating multiple perspectives across themes Qualifying or modifying an argument by considering diverse or alternative views or evidence This understanding must be part of the argument, not merely a phrase or reference. This point is the most subjective. Put simply: this point is awarded if you make an argument and stick to it/support it consistently throughout your essay. You will not be awarded this point if you simply list the documents and do not structure your essay into paragraphs based on your argument.
DBQ- Major Grade Your DBQ on November 15 will be graded by Mrs. Golden for a major grade. Mrs. Golden assures you that she understands this is your first DBQ and because it is a major grade, she will grade accordingly. The grade scale will be: 7-100 6-95 5-90 4-85 3-80 2-75 1-70 0-65 Due to the time constraint, you only need to use 5 documents instead of 6 (you will be given 6 on the DBQ on Wednesday, you only need to use 5) Good luck. You will do great!