Getting to know the functions of your online text book
Go to the following website (or click on the link): https://student Go to the following website (or click on the link): You should have your Username and Password, if not, you will need to contact your online instructor.
After you sign-in, you will see the following on your screen: This is the home screen for your online textbook. One thing to keep in mind, lessons are the same as chapters.
Resources Click on “Resources” below your username at the top right. It will drop down. Under this tab you will find many useful tools such as: The glossary Maps
Vocabulary If you click on “Vocabulary Cards” next to “Resources” you will find vocabulary cards for the lesson (chapter).
“Lesson Games” “Lesson Games” are to help you recall the information from that lesson (chapter). Feel free to use this as a source in helping you study and assess what you know.
Notebook Your instructor may or may not assign you questions from the online textbook’s “Interactive Notebooks”. If they do, simply scroll down to the bottom of that lesson’s section to access the notebook. You may also search for the interactive notebook from the top of the webpage.
Main functions during reading the online textbook
Lesson vs. Section The lesson or chapter as most of you know it, is the main topic. The sections are the breakdown of the main topic into smaller sub- topics you will need to know.
Main Ideas When you click on the “Main Ideas” button, you will notice that it highlights the text in blue. This can be a useful tool in helping you understand the main points of each section.
Spanish or English? This online textbook gives you the option of either reading or listening to the text in Spanish or English. Simply click the “English” or “Spanish” button. To listen to the text, simply click the green “Play” button.
How to define a key term Simply click on the blue key term in the text to see the definition which will appear in green. Click on the key term again to hide the definition.
Add Notes You can take notes of your own by clicking on the “Add Notes” button. This may help you remember different points or write down a question you may have regarding the reading.
Images on the text pages To enlarge the images or other graphics, simply click on the image. It will give you a magnifying square which you can move over the different areas of the image you want to look more closely at. Actual size Enlarged image Magnifying square