FGas Regulation Revision : Industry Impact Seamus Kerr BE, MEngSc, MIEI, MIRI seamus@rslireland.com www.instituteofrefrigerationireland.ie
Market feedback and challenges Price of refrigerants Supply of product Alternative Refrigerants HFC Phase Down Training, Equipment and safety
Market feedback and challenges
Market feedback and challenges
Market feedback and challenges 115MTonnes CO2 equivalent
GWP AREA : Fgas Guide
Market feedback
Supply and demand Quota No refrigerant manufacturing or blending in Ireland Very little Irish held quota >90% of refrigerant into Ireland based on UK/other quota Both Germany and Spanish associations have issued warnings about shortages.
Supply and demand example British Refrigeration Association PURR report Putting into Use Replacement Refrigerants Estimate 11000 tonnes R404A installed in UK 43M CO2 tonnes equivalent in R404A alone R410A, R22, R134a........... Germany, France, Poland, England + 24
Supply and Demand Example 115MTonnes CO2 equivalent UK R404A installed estimate
GWP and Phase down R23 = 14800 R508B = 13396 (R508A) R404A = 3922 (R507, R422D,R422A) 2500 R407A = 2107 (R407F = 1705) R410A = 2088 R442A = 1888 R134A = 1430 R449A = 1397 R448A = 1273 750 R452B = 675 R32 = 675 150 R1234yf = 4, AC5 = <100 CO2 = 1 NH3 = 0 R600a, R1270 and R290 = 0
Low Temperature Applications -70 o R508B = 13396 (R508A) Current available HFO alternatives : None Quota holders not wasting quota on R508 Future alternative : Ethane R170 Ethylene R1150 Hydrocarbons, extremely flammable New system required Very few systems readily available Atex Regulations Engineering support limited Walk in room, no alternative currently
R404A and R507 (R22) Alternatives R404A = 3922 (R507, R422D,R422A) R407A = 2107 (R407F = 1705) R410A = 2088 (not suitable for retrofit) R442A = 1888 R134A = 1430 (not suitable for retrofit) R449A = 1397 R448A = 1273 R452B = 675 (not suitable for retrofit) R32 = 675 75% quota material (Restricted supply chain, shortages already)
R404A and R507 (R22) Alternatives R404A = 3922 (R507, R422D,R422A) R407A = 2107 (R407F = 1705) R410A = 2088 (not suitable for retrofit) R442A = 1888 R134A = 1430 (not suitable for retrofit) R449A = 1397 R448A = 1273 (Patented product, supplies limited) R452B = 675 (not suitable for retrofit) R32 = 675 (not suitable for retrofit) Supplies not guaranteed Prices will rise Alternative Lower GWP Refrigerant properties are different TX valve changes/adjustments Higher discharge temperatures
R410A Alternatives R410A = 2088 R452B = 675. A2L aimed at new equipment R32 = 675 : A2L for new equipment Supplies not guaranteed Product most likely to become unavailable (SK) Most likely first applications needing equipment change. Prices will rise Currently no lower GWP retrofit available
Alternative long term refrigerants HFO R1234yf (ze, zd etc.) Ammonia NH3, R717 CO2, R714 HC (R290A, R600, R1270) A2L Low GWP refrigerants Others
Alternative long term refrigerants HFO R1234yf (ze, zd etc.) Expensive production process Unknown long term environmental impact R134a replacement - HFO blends Not readily available on market yet
Alternative long term refrigerants CO2, R714 Most popular replacement refrigerant so far 10 yrs experience in Ireland in small % of contractors Increasing number of contractors “trying it” Very very high pressures Poor energy performance (reports of 8 to 14% higher energy usage) Most solutions aimed at the supermarket sector Smaller solutions coming Complete equipment change Big investment in training needed Lack of training/experience is dangerous
Alternative long term refrigerants NH3, R717, Ammonia 80+ yrs experience in Ireland in small % of contractors Increasing number of contractors “considering it” Standard pressures Good energy performance Toxic Most new solutions aimed packaged chiller market Smaller solutions coming (equipment available) Complete equipment change Low level of training required
Alternative long term refrigerants Propane, R290 40 yrs experience in Ireland in small % of contractors Increasing number of contractors “trying it” Standard pressures Good energy performance Very flammable Most solutions aimed at very small applications Bigger solutions coming (equipment available) Complete equipment change
Alternative long term refrigerants A2L (Low GWP refrigerants) Very little experience in Ireland (first plant arriving this summer) Increasing number of contractors “trying it” Standard pressures Good energy performance Mildly flammable? Most solutions aimed at split air conditioning (<750 GWP) Complete equipment change
Excerpt from my presentation in April 2012 Main Challenges Refrigeration Industry ready? Skills Equipment Training/Certification Industry ready? Investment Safety Timing Time scale Technology Supply
Future ? Supply shortages Massive prices increases Skill shortages Technology lag Training lag Phase down will be too severe and will have negative economic impact
Thank you. seamus@rslireland.com