Higher Level Structures Why bother? Higher level structures make your work more complex and, if used correctly, will help you achieve more marks and therefore a higher grade in both your speaking and writing exams. It is best to learn a few higher level structures so you can vary your language. Even if you only learn one higher level structure, it will make your work more complex. The GCSE mark scheme clearly awards more marks for work which is complex and which has a variety of structures.
Higher Level Structures Après être…. After having….
Higher Level Structures ‘Après être’ is used to say ‘after having’ done something, you then do something else. ‘Après être’ can be used in any context. Let’s take a look at some English sentences to see how it is used: After having gone to town, I caught the bus home. After having arrived late to my lesson, I apologised to my teacher. After having returned home late, I went straight to bed.
Higher Level Structures So how do you use ‘après être’? Après être + Past Participle Après avoir is always followed by a PAST PARTICIPLE
Higher Level Structures So what is a PAST PARTICIPLE? A PAST PARTICIPLE is a particular form of the verb in the past. A PAST PARTICIPLE in English ends in –en or –ed e.g. eaten, played, finished, etc. A PAST PARTICIPLE in French ends in –é, -i, or –u e.g mangé, fini, vendu, etc.
Higher Level Structures How to form a PAST PARTICIPLE 1. Knock of the ending (ER, IR, RE) 2. Add the past participle ending (é, i, u) jouer finir vendre jou fin vend + é i u joué fini vendu
Higher Level Structures Some examples of PAST PARTICIPLES INFINITIVE PAST PARTICIPLE ENGLISH Monter Monté Went up Arriver Arrivé Arrived Mourir Mort Died Descendre Descendu Descended Naître Né Born Sortir Sorti Went out As can be seen, not all verbs follow the pattern described on the previous slide – they are IRREGULAR. These irregular past participles need to be learnt from memory.
Higher Level Structures Dr & Mrs. Van der Tramp It is important to know which verbs (or past participles) come after ‘après être’. As a general rule, it is verbs which involve movement (come, go, go out, return, arrive, etc.) A really useful way of remembering which verbs come after ‘après être’ is to learn the Mnemonic DR. & MRS.VAN DER TRAMP
Higher Level Structures INFINITIVE PAST PARTICIPLE ENGLISH Devenir devenu become Revenir revenu come back Monter monté gone up Rester resté stayed Sortir sorti went out Venir venu come Aller allé gone Naître né born Descendre descendu gone down Entrer entré entered Rentrer rentré returned Tomber tombé fallen Retourner retourné returned Arriver arrivé arrived Mourir mort dead Partir parti left
Higher Level Structures ‘Après être’ as we know, is followed by a past participle. However, there is one more thing we need to do when using this structure, and that is, to make the past participle agree with the person doing the action. If the person doing the action is feminine, add an extra ‘e’ eg. Après être allée au cinéma, j’ai fait du shopping After having gone to the cinema, I went shopping If the person doing the action is masculine plural, add ‘s’ eg. Après être allés au cinéma, nous avons fait du shopping After having gone to the cinema, we went shopping If the person doing the action is feminine plural, add ‘e’ & ‘s’ eg. Après être allées au cinéma, nous avons fait du shopping
Higher Level Structures ‘Après être’ can be used in any context Can you translate the following sentences into English?
Higher Level Structures LIFESTYLE Health / Relationships & Choices Après être allés au gymnase, nous sommes allés au café. After having gone to the gym, we went to the café. Après être arrivés au restaurant, nous avons regardé la carte. After having arrived at the restaurant, we looked at the menu. Après être rentré chez moi, je me suis rendu compte que j’avais oublié ma clé. After having returned home, I realised I had forgotten my key . Après être entrés dans la chambre de ma soeur, on s’est beaucoup disputés . After having entered my sister’s bedroom, we argued a lot.
Higher Level Structures 2. LEISURE Free Time & Media / Holidays Après être resté à la maison, j’ai regardé beaucoup de DVD After having stayed at home, I watched lots of DVDs. Après être rentrés du musée, nous avons parlé pendant des heures. After having returned from the museum, we talked for hours. Après être tombée en jouant au tennis, je suis allée directement à l’hôpital. After having fallen while playing tennis, I went straight to hospital.
Higher Level Structures 3. HOME & ENVIRONMENT Home & Local Area / Environment Après être entré dans ma chambre, j’ai commencé à la ranger. After having entered my bedroom, I started to tidy it. Après être venue à ma fête, elle s’est bien amusée. After having come to my party, she had a good time. Après être allés chez ma copine, nous avons passé l’après-midi au jardin. After having gone to my friend’s house, we spent the afternoon in the garden.
Higher Level Structures 4. WORK & EDUCATION School & Future Plans / Current & Future Jobs Après être arrivée à l’école, elle a commencé à étudier immédiatement. After having arrived at school, she started studying immediately. Après être arrivé chez moi, j’ai dû faire mes devoirs. After having arrived home, I had to do my homework. Après être allée à l’université, elle a commencé à étudier beaucoup. After having gone to university, she began to study hard. Après être allé au travail, il a trouvé qu’il y avait beaucoup de problèmes. After having gone to work, he found there were lots of problems.
Higher Level Structures Do you think you will be able to use ‘après être’ confidently? To help you, try to learn as many PAST PARTICIPLES as possible Remember! Dr & Mrs. Van der Tramp
Higher Level Structures ‘Après être’ + ………….. Let’s recap Allé au travail Arrivé chez moi Entré dans ma chambre Venu à ma fête Sorti de la gare Rentré du musée Arrivé au restaurant After having gone to work After having arrived home After having entered my bedroom After having come to my party After having left the station After having returned from the museum After having arrived at the restaurant
Higher Level Structures Après être…… After having….. Après être is always followed by a PAST PARTICIPLE Then a sentence in the PERFECT Tense