The Basis For Real Happiness Lessons From the Beatitudes Number Eight
An Introduction To The Beatitudes This series of eight poetic statements begins the single longest recorded sermon of the Savior (Matthew 5:3-10) The term “Beatitude” is a derivative of the Latin word used for “Blessed” which is translated as “Happy” or “Fortunate” (cf. 1 Corinthians 7:40) That is, being “Happier” is what the gospel is about, though in ways different than the way the world sees
Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” As with the other beatitudes, the statement made by Jesus “outlines” itself and directs our study (let’s explore four things) 1 – Key, Biblical Facts About Persecution 2 – Reasons Why Rejoicing Over Persecution Matters 3 – Ways To React To Persecution 4 – Results Of Persecution In Our Lives
Persecution Facts… Consider three key, biblical facts 1 – Persecution will be the result of our application of beatitudes 1-7 Beatitude # 1 means we are “weak” Beatitude # 2 means we are “judgmental” Beatitude # 4 means we are “fanatical” Beatitude # 7 means we are “pushovers” NO WONDER why people will persecute us literally … “pursue” us!
Persecution Facts… 2 – Jesus Himself promised that persecution will be the result of following Him Matthew 16:24-25 Matthew 10:34-39 3 – We need to be cautious in understanding “Why” we are facing “persecution” - Jesus did NOT say, “Blessed are those who are persecuted.” - We can suffer for doing right (1 Peter 4:15) - We can suffer for doing wrong!
Rejoicing Matters… A key to NT Christianity is the understanding that we are to rejoice, even when things are bad! see 2 Corinthians 12:10 - Consider three reasons why saints must rejoice even in spite of difficult days and challenging persecutions 1) We rejoice because we have “proof” that we’re doing right - Jesus puts us on the same level with the great prophets of old (Matthew 5:12b)
Rejoicing Matters… 2) We rejoice because we are reminded that we are becoming more and more like the Savior - Jesus directs Matthew 5:11 at His followers - But note that this is THE exact thing which HE experienced! 3) We rejoice because we are reminded of a brighter future - Matthew 5:12a
Reaction Matters… When persecution comes, how we react matters a lot We have to check our “natural” selves & replace those reactions with unnatural, spiritually minded choices - Note three tools… 1) Keep the Focus Focused - The reason our lives are difficult is our choice to serve Christ (remember 2 Timothy 3:12) - This was the case in Acts 5:41
Reaction Matters… To keep the focus where it needs to be, remember two additional pieces of advice 1 – We must be careful to not “pride ourselves” for the sacrifices we make and persecutions we endure That would make us just like the Pharisees! (see Matthew 6:16) 2 – We must not take persecution “personally” (see 1 Samuel 8:6-7)
Reaction Matters… 2) Don’t “stoop” to the level of others - Jesus Himself taught so much later in Matthew 5:43-48 - There’s no real credit deserved for those who treat others as they are being treated! Practice Romans 12:20! – We are always teaching! Jesus makes two important comments on this beatitude…
Reaction Matters… 1st – Not fighting back can be aided by a healthy remembrance of the prophets - see vs. 12b - isn’t this the real purpose of the “Hall of Faith”??? (see Hebrews 12:1!!) 2nd – We must actively REPLACE frustration with willful rejoicing (vs. 12a) - This “Remove and Replace” is CENTRAL to being like Christ
Reaction Matters… 3) Remember who is doing the persecuting… - NOTE: This doesn’t make it easier or more pleasant, but sometimes perspective-changes help… - consider two common “Persecutors” 1 – Men of the world – this is what Saul was pre-Christian (Acts 8 & 9) 2 – Brethren – see 3 John 9-10 Helpful Tools: Poor Thing… Bless His Heart…
Results of Persecution… As with many things, there are lessons we learn and growth that occurs as a result of difficulties we experience 1 - It’s helpful to remember that righteousness is anti-world and therefore, followers of righteousness are anti-world - that’s why the world will hate us - that’s why the world hated Christ
Results of Persecution… 2 – While hoping that everyone likes us is “normal,” it’s not necessarily a “good” thing - see Luke 6:26 3 – Let’s work to have “sympathy” for those who persecute us, realizing that they are without the spirit of Christ - that’s what Christ did!
Results of Persecution… 4 – Ultimately, persecution for righteous-based living comes with the promise of the Kingdom of Heaven - note that this is exactly where Jesus began! (vs. 3) THE BIG TAKE AWAY FROM THE BEATITUDES… We will NEVER (that means NEVER) achieve real happiness by taking our cues from the world, but only by submitting to God and His will!