Week Three Whetstone AP Language Memoir Unit Week Three Whetstone AP Language
AGENDA # video “Pick a line…” Read and annotate “Notes of a Native Son” Choice Reading
Pick a Line Choose a line from The Glass Castle Use that as a writing starter
“Notes of a Native Son” A classic non-fiction short story
Questions for analysis: “Notes of a Native Son” by James Baldwin To be done on page 14 of your Composition Book. Identify all of the different stories Baldwin tell in “Notes of a Native Son.” How does Baldwin relate the story of his relationship with his father to the story of the relationship between black and white America? Write about a moment in your life when you have been extremely angry. How did you handle it, and what does the experience tell you about yourself now?
AGENDA Rhetorical Vocab (repetition) Discuss “Notes of a Native Son” “Currently Journal”
“Notes of a Native Son” Discussion
AGENDA Jeannette Walls on writing a memoir “Us and Them” Choice-Reading
AGENDA Review Stephen Dunning revision Rhetorical Vocab (Comparison) Pre-writing for Slice Of Life Memoir
Pre-Writing “Home” Draw visual List of description words
Pre-Writing List as many “Slice of Life” moments that you can recall Number them in order of importance For the top three, list as many details as possible Who was there? What did you feel? What was the environment? What else can you say about this moment?
AGENDA Draft beginning of memoir Choice reading