Memoir Writing
Welcome Back You are going to take notes on memoirs today and develop a foundation for what makes a good memoir. Get a memoir notes sheet from the sub to get started.
What is a memoir? The word memoirs shares the same root word as the words memory and remember. A memoir captures memories and comes from remembering A memoir is a slice of ordinary life (a small moment). A memoir acts as a record of what happened and a forecast of the future. A memoir strives for emotional truths. A memoir is a story about something that actually happened to you, the author. It is about events, people, or places that are important to you, the author.
How is a memoir different from a narrative? A memoir is a specific type of narrative. In a memoir, there is distance or time between when the event happened and when you are writing about it (written in past tense). In a memoir, there is a reflection (lesson learned).
Characteristics of a memoir Read the following memoirs. As you are reading, determine what is common between all of the memoirs and write them down in your composition book. Some things to consider: Point of view Structure Plot Literary elements Moonwalk Excerpt from Fist, Stick, Knife, Gun My Side of the Story
Characteristics of a memoir Written in first person point of view Written in past tense Based on the truth Focused on one event Have an introduction with an attention grabbing opening Lots of specific details, imagery Dialogue Internal dialogue Emotions and feelings Flashback or background information Reflection- what author learned
Finished? You will finish the notes in tomorrow’s lesson Glue your notes into your composition book Put your computer away Read your independent reading book